International Observe the Moon Night!

Oct 05, 2011 20:39

International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) 2011 is on Saturday, October 8! The goal of InOMN is to engage lunar science and education communities, amateur astronomers, space enthusiasts, and the general public in annual lunar observation campaigns that share the excitement of lunar science and exploration. Join an event near you, or create your own!

In preparation of LPI’s event at the George Observatory, I took our Celestron 8-inch telescope home to make sure it was in good working order. While I had it out on my patio, I connected my Canon 7D and got a few nice pictures of the first quarter moon. The field of view is small enough that it takes at least two photos, stitched together, to show the entire surface of the moon.

Close-up of the terminator (line between day and night), Mare Serenitatus (top dark area), Mare Tranquilitatus (middle dark area), and Mare Crisium (small dark area on the bottom right)

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