Feb 19, 2009 09:08
That phrase pretty much sums up my psyche. I do or don't do. No gray areas, not much moderation, all out or dead stop. The start/stop switch is hair-triggered, and operated by the strangest things.....
If one area of my life gets skewed or out of balance, the whole comes to a screeching halt. Like an intricate pattern of dominoes, it all comes crashing down, and nothing works or gets done.
That's pretty much where I am at the moment (and have been for a couple of months, and will be for.....). There is one area that I can't wrestle into submission right this moment, so the rest ceases to function.
I will somehow struggle through to the other side, but for now the MO is last minute crisis management as the need arises. I hate these phases of life, especially when I have to smile and keep going as though I am not swimming in a tank of sharks.
Is it possible to be physically bi-polar without being mentally bi-polar??? That's what it feels like sometimes (assuming that I can imagine being bi-polar).
Thank you for listening. I needed to get that off my chest. I'll go back to punching sharks in the nose now.
(To those who may be concerned by this post: I'm really O.K. For the moment I am a control freak who has one lose end that is not under control. Makes me crazy!)