Jul 07, 2005 22:20
It seems obligatory, especially given the number of relations I have in London, none of whom were injured. Senseless violence seems to be drawn to that island. My grandfather, as library administrator, helped rebuild the libraries in London after WWII. In WWII the senseless violence was far more senseless and far more violent. But now the enemy is far less concrete. Yes, there is this vague conglomeration called the Middle East that is often the source of such violence, but it is vast and the enemy is both furtive and cowardly. Revenge is essentially useless- the best anyone can seem to do is focus on local prevention and tasks that “might” lessen the risk of terrorism. There is little heroism in fighting with wolves, especially when we become wolves ourselves: homo homini lupus. Nearly everything about terrorism is unexpected and pathetic. Fighting it is mundane and often involves the unpopular erosion of certain rights. All for an enemy that seems to rise endlessly from some infinite abyss. Yet many fail to notice that the resolve of the terrorized is just as infinite. If London survived The Battle of Britain, it can certainly survive this.