Ethnic Ingushes address their compatriots

Aug 18, 2008 22:07

Ethnic Ingushes are addressing their compatriots from Tbilisi.
Political party Our Country has sent a letter to the peoples of the Caucasus. The leader of the party calls upon the Caucasian people not to fight against Georgia. An Ingush citizen spoke at the briefing where the text of the address was voiced. Bagaudin Barakhoev said Chechens and Ingushes are friends to Georgian people and these two nations would not fight against Georgians. The authors of the address did not rule out that some people of that origin might fight as mercenaries, but this should not be qualified as confrontation among the Caucasians. (Broadcasting Copmpany "Rustavi2")

vaynahs, russia, georgia, ingush, chechen, war

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