Jul 14, 2012 04:17
I've been home a month now and with a lot of rest and medication I feel able to go look for a part time job that I can do with one hand, like answering phones maybe. But. There is always a but, isn't there?
I went down to the Metroplex and got my perscription refills and saw my shrink (who is thrilled that my anxiety levels have bottomed out and is very encouraging that even though my depression levels are not falling they are going down a few points at a time. They have a question thing that the computer tallies every time I go in that shows this.) So that part was good. Seeing most of my friends from the bookstore made me really happy, so many hugs and squees and stuff, I felt so loved. *glowy*
Then my truck decided to do this vapour-lock bullshit. That delayed my trip home a bit and then halfway home my tooth started killing me. I have some mysterious thing (my doctor can't tell if it is from past medications, current illnesses, something else, bad immune system, unknown, but I have rotting teeth, so much fun I can't even express) So this tooth broke last year some time but hurt for about a day or three and then stopped, so I went on my way. This February I had a different one on the other side of my mouth go bad and it was maddening because it would not stop hurting and I had to go have it yanked. I have a really high tolerance for pain (because I live at a 7 or higher on a scale of 10 so things have to go nuclear to about 12 for me to get worried. That tooth in February was somewhere near 15 by the time I had it out.) but tooth pain is the frozen limit. The advantage for me right now is that I am not trying to work so I can take pain meds all I want (pain meds don't stop pain for me but will put me to sleep so I can ignore the pain for a while) and sleep all damn day. (or evening as was the case today)
So yeah. No dentists open on Friday anywhere here. If the damn thing had acted up while I was still in the Metroplex I could have booked an emergency appointment with the dentist I saw in February. But no, I was driving North when it hit. Fucker. So now I have a swollen face and painful half-tooth and another two days until I can even find a dentist open to call and pray for an opening that will cost an arm and a leg (because this is NOT the Metroplex) and DAMMIT I had other plans for Monday. And did I mention no dental insurance? Yeah, I have health because of my old job, but have not had dental coverage since 1999.
Monday I was planning to go register at JobService and I have an appointment at the junior college to look at my University transcript and try to figure out how to get at least an associates degree out of the two years I spent pretending to be a student. (theoretically I am about 3-6 credits shy of an associates degree, but my credits are in a disparate range of subjects, heavy on the psychology and literature) I am very put out about the whole fucking situation, dammit, why can't I have nice things. Or at least inexpensive ones? Gah.
In better news, fires are under containment and our fishing spot didn't burn (one set of brother/sister went to check) and my Aunt hasn't called to tell me her place was destroyed so I am hoping that is a good sign. We might get some rain, maybe. *fingers crossed* And my truck did get emptied before I went to the Metroplex, yay. As soon as I don't feel run over by pain and drugs I will be able to set up my desktop computer and hopefully get some writing in. *sigh* Unless some other disaster comes along. All that bad shit needs to fucking stop now, really, so done.
i hate being in pain,
car issues,
i hate being sick