May 18, 2010 18:34
I had such vivid and strange dreams this morning. I dreamed about a guy I knew back in Laramie. Not a guy I dated (shocker, I know) but a guy who used to come into the candy store I managed, he also worked in the deli downstairs from my apartment. He used to do sweet things for me(without my asking!), like put extra raspberry syrup in my hotchocolate or put special treats with my dessert when I stopped there to get dinner on my way up the stairs to home. He was gorgeous. He had these mossy-hazel-green-brown eyes and had a habit of looking up at me from under his lashes, head down and brow furrowed, oh dear gods, my knees went weak frequently in his presence, and I might have forgotten my ability to speak a time or two as well. He had a (gorgeous tall blond willowy)girlfriend so why he bothered to treat (dumpy fatchick)me special, I have no clue. But Nick was sweet and did a killer Indiana Jones impression.
I dreamed that he came around and was flirting. I asked him what the hell he was doing after all these years, flirting with me. He said he wanted to marry me. I literally fell off my chair, in the dream, then I laughed my ass off. I told him that was the funniest joke anyone had told me lately. He looked a little hurt at my response. I picked myself up and turned to walk away and he followed me asking what he could do to prove it, and I laughed again, told him I wasn't the marrying kind and then I woke up.
What the fuck gives, subconscious?