
Jan 16, 2005 13:25

I had a very interesting night last night. I watched three healthy young males, two of them currently single, cruising porn on the internet. It was a smorgasbord of psycho-sociological study. And frelling hysterical.

Did you know, for instance, that there are sites for ClownPorn. Yeah. We were looking for body paint. Uh, clown + porn = me throwing up.

It was probably the best few hours I have spent recently in the company of the male of the species. Educational, illuminating and funny as hell.

The night before that I spent the evening with another friend doing laundry and watching Lost in Translation. She very brilliantly pointed out that mid-life crisis men and twenty-something women understand one another because they are at the same "what the hell am I doing and why am I doing it" sort of stage of life. She put it somewhat more eloquently, but you get the gist. And she is right. I was the twenty-something dating the men twice my age back then, and I love the movie because I still understand that mindset. Well, and Bill Murray is teh yum! (ok, my taste in men has always been, uh, interesting)

I missed most of the LJBlackout because I was working and so I didn't have the angst and all that, which is a bummer because I have seen some great icons as a result of the outtage.

Which brings me to my previous post. Before I went off to bed last night I checked in here and saw the news item that so shocked and sickened us all. And of course had to share, because sorrow shared is sorrow halved.

I never refer to myself as a 'witch'. That word has so many negative connotations and expectations and just plain junk attached to it that I get tired of carrying that baggage.

But in this case I will claim that label for a time.

I don't see myself as some great crusader. I am not going to save the world. I am not someone who has a great deal of influence over masses of people. And I would not want to have that influence or that power or that responsibility.

But I am a witch.

I can toss the pebble of my experience, my support, my seeking of knowledge, my sharing of information into the pond and I may never see the effect that little wave has on the far shore, but I know that I added my effort to make something better.

I can't save the Jasmines of the world. I can't stop war or famine or whatever other horsesmen are marching.

But I can drop a donation into a box for someone who needs it.

I can give coats to shelters.

I can give canned goods to food banks.

I can stand in Circle with my sisters and brothers and add my thoughts and meditations, and (dare I call it) prayers to those of all the like minded people in the world who light candles for the Jasmines and the Matthews and the Martins and the Kennedys and the Lacis and the endless lists of the lost ones that I light candles for as well.

Today I am a witch.

Tomorrow I might go back to being a tree huggin' peace lovin' hippie Pagan chick.

Or maybe I will stay in this quiet warrior-feeling energy and see what other pebbles I can toss into the pond to make waves that reach beyond the little bit of my world that I can see.

pagan, i am witch, myboys

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