Aug 31, 2004 15:45
I give it to Senator John McCain for socking it to Michael Moore last night at the convention. He said "It was between war and a graver threat. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Not our political opponents. And certainly not a disingenuous filmaker who would have us believe that Saddam's Iraq was an oasis of peace.......
During the assertion the cameras caught Michael Moore with the big "L" on his forehead. He sure hit the nail on the head when making that gesture, yes Michael Moore you are the loser. Who could take anyone seriously who has an appearance such as yours not to mention a major issue with personal hygiene. You could never tell that I have no respect for the man.
The best speech of the night came from Rudy Giuliani, I would even go as far as to say the best speech I've ever heard. Although McCain did'nt mention Kerry, Giuliani sure made up for it during his presentation. The best idiom of the night was when Giuliani referred to Kerry's vote for the Iraq war and than the vote against the $87 billion to fund our military. "Maybe this explains John Edward's need for two Americas -- one is where John Kerry can vote for something and another where he can vote against exactly the same thing." It's true even the democrats I talk to on the hill have no idea where John Kerry stands on this war. I'll tell you that terrifies me to death that 50% of Americans want to vote for a man and elect him President in less than 2 months without any understanding on what steps he's going to take to fight the war against terrorism and protect the security of this country. I hope that Giuliani's speech put things into perspective for some of those people!
George W. Bush 2004!!!!!!!!!!!!!