Jun 08, 2007 22:54
I'm sooooooooooo tired, I don't know what to do. What I know I'm not
doing is any more work on this blasted floor today. I'm taking at LEAST
a 12 hour break, minimum. Like, from 10:30pm until 10:30am, minimum.
GAH!So, where I am. Oy, Yoda am I? Yes, so tired. Where am I on
this "get the linoleum adhesive off the dining room floor"
project:Around 1/3 of the room has all the staples removed, all the
basic scraping done, which means I've scraped up the black stuff that
will come up relatively easily (though still hellishly tediously)
without a seemingly endless cycle of soak/scrape/soak/scrape, and it's
been mopped.Ah, but "mopped," that sounds like such an easy task, no?
NO. This is The Mopping Of The Brown Gunk. See, under the black hard
stuff is the Brown Gunk. You might THINK that you've made decent
progress by scraping up the black stuff, but the Brown Gunk, it fool
you bad. Yes, it "mops up" but this is not an exaggeration: For every 6
sq ft or so of floor which averages 1/2 black stuff (easy to mop) and
1/2 brown gunk (hell to mop), it took 3-4 buckets of mopping, emptying
the water only when it was beyond sludge, then taking a minimum of 5
minutes of rinsing the mop between each bucket so that it could be
deemed "clean enough" to continue mopping.The middle 1/3 of the room
has the staples removed, or at least the ones that my knee, momentarily
holding all my weight, hasn't found yet. In that section I have
completed about 3/5 of the rough scraping. So what is "rough scraping"
as opposed to "basic scraping"? Rough scraping consists of using my
half-moon garden edger to scrape up the really REALLY loose stuff. To
reach "basic scraping" level requires sitting on my butt with a razor
scraper, scraping up the "able to be scraped up without soaking" stuff.
I'm leaving all the must-be-soaked stuff for last because I learned
from the one tiny section I did that is totally cleaned that the easily
scraped off stuff really just gunks up things as you're trying to
scraped off the must-be-soaked stuff.Am I making any sense? Didn't
think so.Tomorrow's goal is to finish the room to the staples out/rough
scraped/basic scraped/mopping from hell level. Sunday's goal is to take
out the last bit of plywood which requires me to figure out a way to
cut it in a straight line right across the dog's hallway where we're
putting vinyl flooring for now, do the staples/scrape/mop routine on
that, then do as much of the final soak/scrape removal of the black
stuff as I can handle, physically and mentally.Thank Maude that we have
air conditioning. As I'm doing this work, I have zero ecological
consciousness: It was 100 degree heat factor outside today and I had
our new AC cranked down to 72, which is normally unheard of for me (I
normally freak if someone wants to put it below 78 unless the humidity
is just too high).Maybe I will get up and fix myself a drink.You say
I'm putting you on But it's no joke It's doing me harm, you know I
can't sleep I can't stop my brain, you know it's three [days]I'm going
insane You know I'd give you everything I've got for a little peace of
mind[or the money for a professional floor refinisher]:::insert a
string of incoherent mumbling that if you play backwards says "Leslie,
you're screwing up your wrists and shoulders, plus you're whining and
whining sucks":::