Jan 28, 2004 22:14
whoooh its been a while since I last posted. looks like i was doing this so I could stay in contact with all of my brandeis friends and now I am back at brandeis that need has gone away. So a crazy number of things have happened in the past few weeks. Perhaps the biggest is that I found out I am allergic to wheat. Yeah that sucks. No more pizza. But I might get special housing next term, and the food I can eat is food I like to eat. I never really liked beer anyway. what sucks is no more bleu cheese. on to bigger an better. My classes rock. Hebrew is good and is preparingme for cooler more advanced classes. My "Quest for Jewish Meaning" is taught by Rabbi Art Green is absolutely wonderful. I love him. I am taking a Theories of G-d class whcih is a philsophy class which I have been enjoying a lot. Lots o intresting philosophical arguements with someone who has been pondering and studing these issues for decades. Next up is social psych where I get to study mind control and realize how easy it is to manipulate people. Yay Shleshia. My other class is an inner peace outer peace course where I actually have meditation homework every night. Its absolutly amazing. Swamped with readings but am really enjoying them. I ll write again soon I promise.