So... What's up with Marilyn Monroe resurfacing pop culture as this patron saint to curvy alternative girls?
Take a look at this mis-attributed quote:
The give away is that there was no size zero when Monroe was alive. Modern day vanity sizing created sizes 0 and 00 to create the illusion that you are a smaller size by the label.
Also the claim that Monroe was a size 14-16 in her day? Utterly false. By her maid and also her dressmaker's claims, her waist size was 23 inches. That is smaller than my waist. I wear a size 2/4 dress.
This is popping up a bunch too:
"I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best."
Yeah, she never said that.
"Imperfection is beauty. Madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
Not her either. The internet claims it was, but upon more research, it seems like this was made up by Ben Hecht.
"Well-behaved women rarely make history."
This was actually Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. She was a professor at Harvard University. This was an excerpt from a paper on Puritan funeral rituals. How it came around to being about being a ~*fabulous curvy woman*~... I don't even know how that fucking happened.
"Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition"
This was Timothy Leary, the writer/phD psychologist/advocate for psychedelic drugs. The same guy who came up with such slogans as "turn on, tune in, drop out." He was one of the most prominent icons of the 1960s. Why this feminist forward quote is attributed to Monroe, who died before feminism even came around in America, I don't know. People want to believe really badly that Monroe was some manic pixie chick who spouted philosophical poetry out her butthole all the time, and was forward thinking for her time.
The truth is, Monroe was just a movie star who bleached her hair and got a nose job, went to Hollywood and did a bunch of drugs, then killed herself. She wasn't a fucking philosopher. She was hot, that's about it. Why do people believe these fairy tales about how deep, introspective and quirky she was? Notice that the last two quotes were from a Harvard professor and phD of psychology.
Which leads me to my last point. What the fuck is up with curvy women body shaming thin/flat women?
I'm seeing this all over facebook and it's fucking pissing me off. What the fuck is this? "Real women have curves!" "No man wants a woman who looks like a 12 year old boy!" "Nobody wants a bony toothpick!" "What happened to real beauty?" "I'd rather not starve myself!" "Men like meat, only dogs eat bones," "What's a man supposed to do with a pole?"
I see this vapid shit plastered all over the place.
FUCK YOU. Just because I don't have a huge rack doesn't mean that I'm a "fake" woman. Just because I had flat chested genes that I can't even control, doesn't mean I look like a fucking 12 year old boy. My body is not a dish for men to enjoy, I don't fucking care what men like, that's not what defines a woman! I AM A REAL WOMAN. ALL WOMEN ARE REAL WOMEN. Real women are whatever the fuck size they want to be, wear how ever much fucking makeup they want to, or decide to never wear make up or ever shave any of their body hair. Real women get hair extensions or shave their fucking heads. Real women fake tans or real tans or sit at home until they are twilight pale. WE ARE REAL. FUCK ANY OF YOU WHO SAY I'M NOT. Don't you fucking insinuate that I'm a man for having a body that you don't like.