
May 08, 2008 00:28

Apologies for redundancy and boring shit.

I Am Legend.

It took me a while to see this because I am a big fan of Richard Matheson's novel

Let's make this little chart

So I am thinking... while they made this movie that they FORGOT TO READ THE BOOK that it's supposed to be based off of because the Robert Neville in the movie bore no resemblance to the Neville in the book. Why even bother calling it "I Am Legend."

Call it "I Am Poorly Animated" because that shit was like, worse than video game cinematics from the 90s.

I can understand dumbing down the story a bit - that is to be expected in any book-movie adaptation. But changing the plot for NO reason? And they inexplicably call these weird bald monsters "Darkseekers" which is not anywhere in the book.

The book explains vampirism as a bacterium. It also gives scientific explanations to the symptoms such as fear of garlic, fear of religious symbolism, etc and how the dead bodies can continue on.

The movie cooks up some crazy ass shit about how they changed measles into a virus that could somehow CURE CANCER. For some reason this turns people into bald feverish super-zombie things with gummy looking lips who burn up instantly in the sun. NO REASON. JUST CUZ.

They made Will Smith into a hero and the savior of the human race, when the very POINT of the book was that the protagonist is actually the monster of the story.

That's what "I AM LEGEND" means. Robert Neville is legendary among vampires and has switched places with vampires as the creature of legend. Without this crucial point you might as well say "I AM A MEAT POPSICLE" because the title of the movie doesn't mean anything.

In the book Neville buries his dead but infected wife, only to have to kill her again because she rises from the dead. In the movie his wife and kid die in an off camera helicopter crash.

In the book Neville spots a stray who has somehow managed to survive and spends weeks earning its trust just to have some company. In the movie it's a family dog. Also the dog in the movie was obviously killed for emotional impact because the rest of the film was so stupid, maybe if the audience feels pity for an animal they will be momentarily distracted from the epic failure that is a lack of a plot.

In the book Neville is a regular guy who has to learn everything he knows about the infection from experiences and going to a local library during the day. He has (I think) one shot gun. In the movie he's the goddamn colonel doctor with this science lab full of chemicals and all these military issue guns, and he's converted his house to a military bunker with electricity generators and running water.

The bullshit doesn't stop there.

The book reasons with scientific explanations. The movie ... says... that GOD HAS A PLAN FOR EVERYONE! God sends some random made up characters and Neville is about to lose his faith but then God talks to him with butterflies and the human race is saved! I wish I were kidding.

Yeah. fuck that shit

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