Yeah it has been a LONG time since I used LJ... I do not really check friends much anymore. My close ones have my aim and if they have something big in their life I hope they would tell me on there. But yeah I may start doing it more... Um no one needs to read this it is just some big long random rant I feel like doing… but if you insist at least
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Tried doing the P Server thing for WoW. Got errors. Even tried making one. VERY frustrating let me tell you. Oh IGOTAMOUNT but you'll read/see it in my post. Lol.
And we will get the being able to play at the same time on normal servers sorted out soon. Promise.
Keep your chin up babe,
Love Kim.
You guys should get on Stormrage server, horde side. Seriously.
A) Can't react, due to the painful reflexes patterned into your brain
2) Are knocked the fuck out or killed
C) They use follow-up and keep hitting you
If they do one of those the likelihood of your plan working goes down hill. It could still theorecitally work, but I wouldn't want to be the patient when it was tested.
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