I hate all this anti-Bush propoganda. Every idiodic news station in the country is talking about how Bush failed. Bush failed in only one aspect; spending 700 dollars for every man woman and child to help the people in Louisiana. Shut New Orleans down. We dont need a govornment with this kind of inefficacy running things. Why should we have to
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Well yeah I guess I am right wing.
"YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT THE THINGS YOU ARE SAYING. I have read some of your other posts and you are wrong.First, women who have abortions, IT IS A LAW THAT THEY CAN CHOOSE"
Its a law huh??? Tell me which law it is? Dont even give me that equal protection bull because then that baby would be protected as well. SO what law is it that gives a mother the right to kill her children? I guess I cant really hold you to anything since you posted anonymously which I think was a brilliant move on your part. You write pretty well for a twelve year old.... or at least im hoping your twelve or our school systems have failed us yet again.
More like this is Judicial activism. Judicial activism is not law it is a farce put on by the supreme court to say killing is ok. Baby women are women. They dont have a right to live but you do? Hmmmm... I wonder if aborting endagered species is legal.
"Second, those "idiots" in New Orleans, who were victims of circumstance, the hurricanes was their fault, I am sure you grew up with tons of money right??"
You need to learn how to speak english. I really dont know where your going with this one. No I didnt grow up with tons of money but I didnt grow up with a family that was on welfare either. My father is a very ethical person who wouldnt stand for things like that. In other words we didnt feel we were entitled to exist at the cost of another person. As for this next quote I have no idea were your going with it.
"And third, Do you make more than 200,000 dollars a year i am sure you don't, because you would want a democrat in office so that the government can take your money away from you because you like it so much and you think it is fair."
I dont make 200,000 a year but I plan on it and when I do im not giving a dime of it to any moocher supporters except what is looted from me by the government.
"wonder if you girlfriend/ wife has ever taken birth control pills because they cause mini abortions."
Abortion is killing a baby that has been concieved. THis is were judgement and common sense comes in. Masterbation for example is not abortion.
. "Re think your stance and stop being so closed minded and you sound ignorant."
I dont usually user ad homonims but in your case it is so easy. Your and idiot your arguments suck. Good try though.
The fact of the matter is people see things black and white when they should be white and black. Im talking about taxes here. We think that taxes are bad because they take out money. Then you look a little deeper and you see all our taxes pay for and you think they are not bad but good. You see yourself as clever at this point thinking that everyone who thinks taxes are bad are idiots for viewpoint. Your wrong however. The next step is to once again go with the fact the taxes and forced wealth redistribution brings far more negative consequences than positive. So, buddy, im one step ahead of you and you dont see it. I dont feel like explaining it all out like im sure ill have to with somebody as itellectually inept as you but if you push me go for it. Not anonymous next time though.
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