Aug 20, 2005 14:16
I truly believe that christianity is a better system than objectivism. They are both similar in several aspects. They both believe that there are absolutes. They both believe in a purpose for life. Objectivism however does not tolerate emotions, mainly pity, or mysticism which im sure they classify christianity as. The absolutes in christianity is that there is a right and there is a wrong. A huge deciding factor of right and wrong is God. Objectivism believes people know whats right and what is wrong according to moral premises in which they hold. They believe as christians do that the purpose for ones life is production and a purposeless life is the most depraved thing in existence.
There are some flaws in modern day objectivists. On the Ayn Rand web site they critique foreign policy since 9-11. Objectivism believes in selfishness and when explained it makes total sense. The fact that they state there is no self interests for us to be in Iraq is somewhat appalling. There are many good reasons aside from protecting our necks from terrorism that we should be in Iraq. To open up free trade with another capitalistic society. They have and essential product that we need for survival. Why not get rid of the totalitarianistic regime and implement a democracy so that capitalism can thrive. The less beurocracy the better but they will need a strong government for the insurgents. Its really funny how objectivism can change to meet the liberal nature of the air heads in the media. We are not looting their country we are creating an ally. We are not looters or moochers but at the same time this is not a self sacrifice.
Christianity contrary to popular belief is not all about self sacrifice and misery. Yes the bible says give to the poor and feed the hungry but that doesnt mean in imposes the immolation of ones self for the good of others. There are many instances in the bible where men are given tasks according to their ability and not their need. Like the parable of the king who gave money to three guys. He gave the most money to the guy who invested it the best and that is not on retrospect. The bible says "fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me." That is a great business practice but an even better would be "why fool me at all, past experience shows your worth." That could also be an interpretation of the former.
There is a mojor impenetrable difference of christianity and objectivism. Objectivism believes in the productivity of a person as their greatest achievement. Christianity is the same exact way with two variables; you are saved and go to heaven by grace and achievement is based on productivity on earth and in heaven. Productivity is no based entirely on money in christianity. You store up treasures in heaven by doing works for god while you store up treasures on earth by doing works or services for men. While living a productive life is not essential to get into heaven it is encouraged in everyday living.
Is christianity the evil in which the heroes of Ayn Rands books fight? I think not. I think christianity is stereotyped and misunderstood as a concept of living by far too many people including christians themselves. Objectivism is not an enemy to christianity either as long as they dont impose their disbelief on everyone who chooses to follow their tenets.