Oct 10, 2005 15:15
In recent weeks, I have realized that a) in photographs I look a withered old man, and b) if I don't stop slouching I will develop a hump sooner than later, thus making me more like a withered old man. Therefore I have decided to work on my posture. I have found that it's really hard/next to impossible to do. After about 12 years of walking/standing/sitting in a slumped over manner, I have no idea what defines correct posture. I'm trying to walk more upright with my shoulders back, and it doesn't feel normal or comfortable yet. I've also realized that most of the reason I slouch is because most of my friends are few inches shorter than I am and I unconsciously slouch to be more at eye level of the rest of the group. Also, everything by which I am surrounded seems to have been designed for a person of about 5' 9" (I'm really 6' 0" when standing properly). All the surfaces at work and home are all much more easily accessible when slouched. The backs of all chairs are quite low as well. So I'm still working on the logistics of adjusting to standing correctly.
So the next time you see me, compliment me on my improved posture, or yell at me for slouching (because I'm bound to continue it), or explain to me what correct posture actually is.
I wish I had better things to occupy my mind at work besides issues like this...