Dec 05, 2008 00:28
I dropped it down some concrete stairs today, and assumed that would be the end of it.
In slow motion
I watched it bounce off the first step and the back flew off
As it bounced off the second step I saw more pieces fly
And it came to rest down another step or two.
I cried "oh no, no, no..." As I started picking up the pieces...
And I thought... "Well, the battery and other innards didn't fall out... This piece looks like the little roller ball, which, actually, I think is supposed to come out for cleaning... Somebody told me you can just pry it out... But where is the little ring that goes over it? Oh well. Oh wait, it's stuck to the side of the stair? That's bizarre. I don't see any other bits missing, so I'll try to put it back together in my meeting. No way it's going to work."
But, if this were an email, you'd still see at the bottom those magical words...
"Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile"