Nov 14, 2004 14:04
Ah la vie est bonne. The rain has finally stopped as well, the sun's coming out!. Usually at a time like this i'd be all melancholy but something is different, i've decided to stop caring as there's nothing i can do, it might be that i finished the book i've been reading. school occupies too much of my life atm i don't have enough time to read but the book's called Jonotthan Strange and Mr Norrel, it's a fantasy set in early 19th century england and one of those books which could be shortened by about 200 pages ... it also relies really heavily on the "fairie" aspect which seems to be the only way fantasy books get any attention these days. No one reading this would know or care:D but it seems like the only people who treat fantasy as some lesser form of literature are the people who never give it a chance. This is just like my problem with english at the beginning of the year where we tried to define literature and everyone in the class was snobbish and said it had to be good writing, probably the most popular book this year, the Da Vinci Code, is extremely badly written but its had a bigger effect than most ... ah well i'll stop whinging about that.
how is everybody?:D