Nov 27, 2004 11:38
...this and think for a moment of the of the long chain of iron or gold,pain or pleasure,thorns or flowers that would never have bound you,but for the formation of the first link one memorable day."
Credit to Charles Dickens, date unknown
The most recent possible literary influence wrt gc@LJ is the John Brady editorship of "Craft of the Screenwriter"[ISBN0-671-25229-1].
gc,Lc307Saturday24>~02:20.49-->__ASI Post #294,Lobby
EDIT 20211127>1219hrs
I kept the g@mc user pic because of the date plus the type(i.e. category) of the entry.
ARCHIVAL NOTE: gc has become mostly uncommunicative since we ignored him
about leaving SL alone. He has asked g@mc to intervene.
EDIT.2 20211127>1353hrs
The L Armstrong quote is on screen page 31 (i.e. book page is 44) of a PDF easily located
by Google SEARCH. I cannot discern any method of extraction of the quote, else copy
the entire section to a SAVE => Facebook. Consequently, I shall type-out-keyboard and
put one copy of the quote here, another copy p(over at the engineeringmathphysics)ly
LiveJournal. Here is Armstrong`s quote:
"Very few of these machines of anybody`s manufacture were sold during the period we are
taling about. Most of the machines were bought by the customere who mad e the buy, not
the salesman who supposedly made the sale, although th salesman might get the commission."
More later...
assist by a3719