One of two clues kaput i.e."The Halyard Vol. 1 No. 04" by University of North Florida

Jul 15, 2024 16:07

EDIT 20240819>1516hrs PDST

Here are the two researchable modes: The original entry follows this EDIT. The EDIT could be considered as a clue. The database from Jville is two degrees of sep from three US Navy installations, plus a National Guard Training Facility "just down the road". The original notes about the four modes originated from (a) Charles Webb Library nearby.

The two other modes are:

Number 2 is anagnorisis which is unexpected

Number 4 is catharsis which JS describes as strong feelings

The next Honebrew Screenwriters Club meeting is Tuesday at PAL.

we quit doing zoom session. Only face-to-face.

Good hunting



The Halyard Vol. 1 No. 04

By University of North Florida, Published on 02/20/74

The GC mentioned in the citations of The Halyard is one of the two clues which links Nrsc to the Jville woman. From what we now know:

(1) Jville woman began attending UNF no sooner than circa September of 1975. The only continuous academic records which have not been altered begin May of 1977.

(2) The GC mentioned in The Ha;yard became deceased between 05November and 07 November of 2000 in Alpine State of Texas.

The George Comer Halyard clue cannot be included in the current Case File. The only remaining clue linking Nrsc to the UNF GC are the photographs/documents in the WF SD Box, which are unavailable.

Not much. All we have.

See you Thursday at Santee L Aztlan CC meeting

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