
Jun 19, 2009 14:28

For any of you that have been keeping up with the TR news, it's a couple days late, but it's official. =(

Worst. News. Ever.

Any possible other ideas for George?

Well, first off, this news couldn't have come at a worse time. =( School's got me depressed enough as it is.

I'm praying that they don't kill him. I know that most likely, that's how it's gonna go, but I'm hoping that TR agrees to do those first few episodes. Like maybe he lives and heals or leaves to go to a rehab to recover from his injuries.

It would be understandable to see him want to move on after healing, especially if Izzie dies (apparently KH renewed her contract, so never mind). Maybe even heal and get shipped out.

And I can kind of see him leaving to go where ever to heal from his injuries and stuff.

Any other ideas?


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