Will I Ever Make It Home?

Apr 25, 2007 15:16

Title: Will I Ever Make It Home?
Pairing: George/Alex
Word Count: 816
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Word prompt (Home) response.
Status: Complete
Summary: They've been dating four months. Now, it's time for the next step.

Seattle Grace Hospital

“You’re sure you don’t want to postpone a day? It’s pouring. Everything’s gonna get soaked,” Alex said, walking with George down the halls of Seattle Grace.

George shrugged. “So we’ll rush. Most of it’s there already, anyway.” He fell silent as his brow furrowed. “Did you change your mind?”

Alex snorted, throwing an arm around George’s shoulder and kissing his temple. “Fat chance.”

George smiled.

“You two are sickening,” Cristina groaned as George and Alex joined the other interns.

Neither man bothered to reply, deciding instead to fall into step behind Dr. Bailey. They’d come out a month into their relationship and now, three months later, had no problem with PDA during work.

Dr. Bailey averted her eyes when she saw George slip his hand into Alex’s. They may as well have a little privacy, right? Anyone could tell that she cared for her interns. They were her suck ups.

She’d watched George when his father was a patient and she’d watched Alex when they had the abuse victims from the car accident. The two were damaged, Bailey knew that. Maybe that’s just what they needed. To be healed by someone just as damaged. George, still recovering from his father’s death and Alex who was still recovering from his father-yeah, she knew about dear old Daddy Karev. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not that hard to read a medical file…though Alex’s had been pretty thick.

Bailey took a glance over in the direction of her two male interns. She could only imagine what they’d been feeling when they had come out. Doing that was no easy thing, but when you were an employee at Seattle Grace, it was even more terrifying. Reputations, coworkers, the gossip mill, your exes. She could deal with the two of them together and the PDA, but the second she caught them in an on-call room, she’d kick their asses.

Leading the interns into a room, Bailey shook the thoughts from her mind. It was time to get to work. “Who’s presenting?”

Izzie stepped forward. “I am.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”


George rushed into the locker room, an hour after his shift had ended. His patient had coded and he’d been stuck monitoring her until she was stable. “Sorry I’m late,” he panted after having run all the way from the other end of the hospital. When no answer reached his ears, George frowned. “Alex?” He walked around the lockers, eyes falling on Alex as he let out a laugh.

Alex jumped, surprised, as he toppled off the bench and his head phones fell from his ears. He flushed red. “Hi.”

George shook his head, picking up the fallen iPod and helping his boyfriend off the floor. “What are you watching?” He glanced at the screen, tolling his eyes a second later. “Saiyuki? Again?”

“Shut up.”

“Anime addict.”

“I said, shut up.” Alex grabbed the iPod, pouting. “Go get dressed.”

George walked to his locker, pulling off his scrubs. “So what was it? Dub or sub?”

“Original,” Alex muttered.

George chuckled. “Okay, you’re worse than an addict. You’re…I don’t even know what you are.” He shook his head. “You actually learned Japanese?”

“In my defense, I needed it for the study abroad program I did.”

“What idiots let you out of the country?”

“The same ones that let me off the continent.” Alex smiled. “You know, I actually brought a few swords home with me from that.”

“Again, I say, idiots. Complete idiots. I don’t even want to know how you got through customs.”

“Iie,” Alex chuckled.

“Okay, if you’re going to speak Japanese to me do it in bed. At least then, I can guess what you’re saying.”

Alex smirked. “Will do.”


“I still don’t get what’s wrong with my mattress,” Alex grunted, pushing George’s mattress through his door.

“You’ve had it since you graduated.”


“High school, Alex.”


“Oh, God.”


“Okay, so I never asked,” George said as he dropped the last rain soaked box onto the floor, “if you knew Japanese, why didn’t you just speak to that patient yourself?”

“Who? The champion eater from a year ago?”


Alex shrugged. “I remember coaches like hers. I’ve had them. My friends have had them. I guess I just wanted to see how truthful he was to her.”

“How’d he do?”

“Worse than a blind man bird watching.”

George winced. “That bad?”

“Oh, yeah.” Alex bent over, attacking his sopping hair with the towel they’d grabbed from the bathroom.

George tilted his head, admiring the view.

“Hentai,” Alex muttered.


“I can feel your eyes boring into my ass.”

“Well, I do need a housewarming gift.”

Alex straightened, walking over to George. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s waist, bringing him forward until their hips her touching. Their lips met softly. “Well then,” he whispered, “welcome home.”

The End

george, fic

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