Everything Will Change

Mar 16, 2007 12:38

Title: Everything Will Change
Pairing: George/Alex
Word Count: 2,739
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Quote Prompt ("Hold your tongue, and let me love.") response.
Status: Complete
Summary: They'd kept it a secret for months, but this time, George and Alex screwed up. They really hadn't meant to come out like this.


George and Alex. Together. A couple. God, it still sounded so strange, but so right at the same time. Neither were quite too sure how or when it started. George said it was when he chose Alex to check him for syphilis-if only you knew how much George had just wanted to jerk his hips forward and-well, you get the picture. Alex, though, he was the one who insisted that it started after the Meredith fiasco when George barged into the on-call room and shoved him on a bed. It’s seriously amazing how forward George can be when he’s mad and horny. And Alex? He sure as hell wasn’t complaining.

Either way, the two had been keeping it a secret, because really, relationships at Seattle Grace only lasted as long as no one knew and neither George nor Alex wanted to lose whatever it was they had. Both were still confused about the whys. One minute George was madly in love with Meredith and Alex was smitten with Izzie, and then out of no where, they were a thing.

It had all gone so fast. Alex had known he was losing Izzie to Denny-not that he really had her after Olivia-and when George had come out of no where hoping to forget Meredith for a while, he’d let George take control. He’d dropped the untouchable façade he’d been hiding behind since his childhood and had let the real him shine through; the him that he hadn’t even shown to Izzie. He’d let George see the real him. The one that was afraid of being hurt like he had been as a child. Not once had he tensed or cringed when George’s fingers had found and traced the scars that his father had left behind.

Izzie had never noticed those.

Now, that day far in the past, George and Alex stumbled through Meredith’s house weeks after George had moved back in, lips meshed together as they blindly searched for the stairs. George tightened his grip around Alex’s waist, laughing as his companion collided with the stairs backwards and nearly fell back onto the wood. “Klutz,” George whispered huskily in Alex’s ear, gently biting his earlobe.

Alex bit back a moan as he pulled George with him up the stairs. He let George go up a step ahead of him, bringing them to the same height and Alex pulled away, bringing George’s bottom lip with him. Alex placed a soft kiss on George’s cheek before lowering his head to his boyfriend’s neck, earning a small moan from the shorter man when his teeth grazed that certain spot.

“Alex,” George groaned, his head falling back. He could feel himself growing hard and as his hips grinded against Alex’s, he knew his partner was the same. “What do you say we go upstairs?”

“I say, move your ass,” Alex said, pinching the body part playfully.

George kissed Alex quickly before pulling him up the remaining stairs, wishing he was stronger so that he could pick his boyfriend up and carry him to the bedroom. Once at the top, George tightened his grip on Alex’s waist, pushing him towards the bedroom with an urgency that he knew Alex understood. They always had had to rush upstairs so that there was no chance of them leaving a piece of clothing where the girls could find it.

Alex’s lips collided with George’s again as his boyfriend pushed him up against the familiar bedroom door. Not breaking the kiss, Alex fumbled with the knob before the door disappeared behind him and George shoved him in, the door instantly slamming shut. As his knees met with the bed, Alex could feel George’s grip tighten and him lower them both to the bed. Alex let his head fall back and a moan vibrate through his throat as George sucked on the small dip in his neck.

George’s hands drifted to the hem of Alex’s t-shirt. He paused, raising an eyebrow. “Calvin Klein? Seriously?”

“Don’t mock,” Alex said. “It’s yours.”

“You stole my shirt.”

“Are you complaining?”

George shook his head. “Definitely not.”

Alex smiled mischievously. “You wanna take it off?”

“Oh, God, yes!” George didn’t waste a moment as he pulled it over Alex’s head and tossed it to the side. His lips found Alex’s for a single moment before he moved down, leaving butterfly kisses down Alex’s neck and chest. He let Alex tug his shirt off before his teeth attached themselves to one of Alex’s nipples and began to nip as his hand played with the other.

Alex moaned, his eyes closing. He jerked his hips up, their erections clashing against their pants. His fingers struggled to undo the button of George’s pants before they finally snapped and he tore the zipper down.

George switched positions, his mouth now on the other nipple and his hand on its partner as he wriggled his hips to help Alex pull off his pants. Now only in his boxers, George abandoned Alex’s now hard nipples-earning a small whine from his boyfriend-and slowly licked back up to Alex’s collar bone and began to suckle like a baby on its mother’s breast, knowing full well that it’d leave a mark.

Alex’s eyes opened for a moment before rolling back and George’s name slipped his lips in a low moan. He could feel his erection now completely hard and practically begging for attention. His knees bent and held firm against George’s waist.

George stopped sucking, satisfied at the spot that was slowly darkening. He rose up and kissed Alex softly. “Mine,” he whispered. Ducking his head again, he ran his tongue down Alex’s neck and over his abs. He felt Alex yank his boxers down, his member free from the confines of his clothes. George licked further down, his tongue dipping in and out of Alex’s belly button. He stopped when his tongue hit Alex’s belt.

“George,” Alex moaned, desperate. “Please.”

George didn’t say a word as he rose back up and captured Alex in a deep kiss. While their tongues battled, his fingers unhooked the button, playing with the zipper for a minute before pulling it down.

Hands tracing circles on George’s back, Alex lifted his hips, letting George pull down his pants. Alex yelped softly into the kiss as he realized that George had taken his boxers off with his pants. When George ground their erections together, Alex let out a groan, his feet curling against George’s calves. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wondered when they’d lost their socks and shoes, but the second George’s hand wrapped itself around his erection, it all went flying from his head. “George,” he panted, face flushed red, “where’s-”

“Night table,” George groaned as Alex bucked into his hand. His hand shot out, digging through the drawer before be pulled a small tube out, triumphant.

Alex kissed George, gently prying the tube from his hand and popping the cap. His eyes locked on George’s, Alex lathered his boyfriend’s fingers with the lube and moving down to his neglected member.

George’s head fell back and he let out a shuddering breath as Alex applied the lube agonizingly slow. Not able to resist any longer, he grabbed Alex’s hands and secured his arms over his head as he kissed Alex hard enough to bruise. A slick hand drifted down, finding its way to Alex’s puckered hole and slipped in.

Alex moaned into the kiss as his back arched and his erection hit George’s stomach.

Still in the searing kiss, George gently pumped in and out. He added another, smiling into the kiss at Alex’s moan. They’d had sex who knows how many times since they’d gotten together, but every time feels like their first. A new sensitivity spot, careful and loving touches, Alex so tight…

George was still amazed that Alex had let him top so easily…okay, maybe not. He’d always had the idea that Alex had wanted someone to take care of him for once. And George? He was happy to do it. He pushed in again, gently brushing Alex’s prostate.

Alex’s eyes rolled towards his forehead and he bucked onto George’s hand right as his boyfriend added a third finger. “Aw, God!”

“No. George,” George joked, biting a soft spot on Alex’s neck. He kissed Alex once more, not thoroughly sure that he was ready. George gently tapped Alex’s hips with his free hand and Alex’s legs instantly rose, wrapping themselves around George’s waist. He heard a soft whimper from Alex as he withdrew his fingers, the whimper being replaced by a loud moan as George’s still slick member slid inside. He let out a loud groan at the tight muscles around his throbbing organ.

Alex lay still as the pain from the penetration dissipated and a shock went through him-George was just barely brushing that spot. He shifted on the bed, indicating to George that he could go ahead. George was always so worried about hurting him, but if George didn’t get moving, he was going to kill him. As George began to move, speed picking up, Alex let out a groan. A loud gasp escaped him as George slammed into his prostate. He did it again and Alex’s vision danced. Feeling George take hold of his erection, Alex’s back lifted off the bed.

George listened to Alex’s gasps as he jerked his hand in time with his thrusts. He could hear Alex’s breaths grow fast and shallow, knowing that his boyfriend was coming close. Sending some well placed thrusts right onto Alex’s spot, George captured his lip, muffling Alex’s cry.

Alex’s muscles tightened around George as he came, splattering them both as he felt let go and spill inside him. Too tired to move, Alex let George pull out and collapse beside him. He summoned what little strength he could and let his head fall over George’s heart. He wouldn’t usually be this tired, but he’d just worked a forty-eight hour shift.

George smiled down at his boyfriend tiredly as he placed a kiss on Alex’s head. He laid there, Alex lying comfortable in his arms as he stared at the ceiling. He could feel Alex’s eyes on him and smiled at him, pulling Alex up to him.

Alex settled down, laughing softly as he felt George’s fingertips dance over his back. “What are you doing?”


Alex’s face darkened. “They’re ugly.” He hated the scars his father had left. They were reminders of a time he couldn’t protect his mother nor himself; a time when he felt too weak to do anything.

George kissed Alex’s cheek. “They’re you,” he said, his hand stopping over a small scar on Alex’s side. “They’re beautiful.”

“I think they’re ugly.”

George shook his head. He knew he’d never really understand what Alex had gone through as a child. He’d grown up in a loving family with two annoying brothers. Alex had grown up n hell.

“I love you.”

George’s eyes snapped to Alex. When his high school girlfriend has said that, he’d frozen. It had taken him a week of pondering over the words and trying to convince himself that he did love her. But with Alex there was no pondering. “Good,” he said. “‘Cause I love you, too.”

Alex’s eyes shone in relief. He hated to admit it, but he’d been terrified of George laughing in his face. He heard George’s stomach growl softly. “I’ll go get something,” he said, pushing himself up with a renewed strength. “Be right back.” He pulled on a pair of boxers on and slunk from the room.


Alex stood at the counter, grabbing a pair of cups to accompany the pieces of leftover chicken that sat beside him on a plate. He froze for a second before his mind registered the familiar arms and he relaxed. “I thought you were waiting for me upstairs.”

George stood on his tip toes, kissing Alex’s neck while his bare chest was pressed against Alex’s back. “You took too long.”

“Keep this up and we’ll never eat,” Alex warned.

“I’ve got what I want right here.” George moved, slipping between Alex and the counter. He placed one hand behind Alex’s neck, bringing the taller man down for a kiss.

Alex’s eyes drifted shut as his hands fell onto George’s waist. Straying backwards, they continued until Alex’s back hit the kitchen island. Alex grunted softly into the kiss as his tongue battled George’s.

George’s hand tangled in Alex’s hair, his hand catching in the occasional knot as he ground his hips into his boyfriend’s.

“What the hell?!”

Alex and George sprang apart, meeting Izzie’s horrified stare along with Meredith’s shocked one. George took a step forward. “Izzie-”

“What the hell do you think you’re doing here,” Izzie yelled at her ex, completely ignoring George.

“Nothing,” Alex said, hoping that if he played dumb, she’d leave. He hadn’t meant for them to find out like this.

Meredith looked between the two men, her eyes widening when they fell on Alex. “Alex? Um…why are you wearing George’s boxers?”

Alex froze, his eyes straying down. Shit! He hadn’t realized he wasn’t wearing his own when he’d left. Then again, he hadn’t counted on this happening.

Izzie spun around to George. “You…you’re screwing him?!”

George stayed silent.

“Haven’t you hurt enough people?” Izzie yelled, facing Alex again. She wasn’t normally like this, but right now…her ex and her roommate? Who would expect a good reaction? “What are you trying to do? Sleep with everyone in this house?”

“I’m not.”

“Bull shit.”

Meredith stayed silent, her thoughts running at a mile a minute. “Alex-”

“Don’t,” he snapped, pushing past her as he went upstairs.

George stared after his boyfriend, about to go after him.

“What were you thinking?!”

George froze, turning to glare at Izzie. “Shut up.” He knew that Izzie out of all people would react badly, he’d been prepared for it, but he’d seen the hurt on Alex’s face and that was enough to make him snap.

Izzie’s eyes widened. “What?”

“I said, shut up,” he exploded. “Yeah, I had sex with Alex. I had sex with my boyfriend. My boyfriend, Izzie. I know that he hurt you. He knows it, too. He knows sleeping with Olivia was a stupid mistake, but you never let him explain. You strung him along, and then left him for a patient. I don’t support it. I really don’t. But I haven’t meddled.”

Izzie stood, dumbfounded. She’d heard George get mad before, but never like this.

“George,” Meredith said softly, “was it because of me?”

George sighed, grateful that at least one of them wasn’t screaming. “Honestly, Mer? In a way. I was hurting and I acted,” he admitted. “But I am happy. I really am.”

“With Alex?” Izzie asked, not believing a word. Alex couldn’t act like a human being long enough to make her happy. There’s no way George could really be happy with Alex. He’s an ass.

George smiled softly. “I love him.” He glanced at the stairs, before returning his gaze to the girls. “And I’m not gonna lose him.”


George opened the door to his bedroom, his eyes falling on Alex and the bundle of clothes in his arms. “Alex-”

“I can’t find my boxers,” Alex muttered. “Where the hell are my boxers?”

“Hey, hey, hey,” George said, walking up to Alex and placing a hand on his waist. “Hey, look at me,” he whispered, almost pleading. He put his other hand gently on Alex’s cheek. “Don’t leave.”

“I’m not getting into this, George,” Alex sighed. “They’re your friends, your roommates. I’m not going to be the reason you lose them.”

“If I lose them, it’s because they can’t accept the facts. I’m in love with you, Alex. Do you love me?”

“You know I do,” Alex whispered. He shook his head. “Izzie was right. I’m just going to hurt you. Stay with me and you’ll lose them.”

“And if this ends, I’ll hurt. I’m not afraid of losing them, Alex,” George said. “I’m afraid of losing you.”


“Just let me love you, Alex.”

Alex stared at George, taking in the pleading eyes and pouting lip. He really wants this, Alex realized. George was willing to take the chance. He wanted to keep going even if it meant losing his friends.

This was it. This was real.

Alex smiled. “Okay.”

The End.

george, fic

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