May 31, 2005 13:42
hello all. . so this is the most updating on lj ive done in a little while. so far montana is still montana and my collar bone is still broken : P but i have good news. . only for 4.5 weeks left until i think it should be completely better :D still lonely but its getting better. so far since in some since i havent had too much to do ive been trying to spend more time w/ God. which has been good. the last few sundays have been good. i have an intership here and i think i know what im going to do so thats good. im going to mayb try to start a new believers class or something like that and help be in charge of an outreach event in july. im excited to see how all that goes. so yeah, ive made a few "friends" as much of a friend i suppose considering ive been here for two weeks. i miss school still. . and feel awkward talking about a good/happy feelings. . but yeah, God is good and he has watched over me and will continue to. i feel it is up to me to reach out to him now and try to get things alittle back on track w/ him. well get more on track i guess. .. get back to where i once was if that makes sense. well ive rambled and hated saying things, so i shall leave now as blah blah blah. . . i hope everyone is having a good summer. . farewell for now.