May 19, 2005 21:58
Yesterday I had an array of characters coming in to work. At the more
unpleasant end, there's Mossman who deemed it suitably warm to come out
wearing a t-shirt so that the green fungus that grows all up his arm
and on the back of his hands is visible. At this time of year he will
be wanting to leave room for the spores to escape and do their breeding
thing, whatever spores do. Perhaps he will burst into flower one of
these years. I've always run away long before he gets to the counter to
pay, which is not hard to detect since you can literally smell him the
instant he approaches within, ooh, twenty feet of you.
Number two was a man who rang in to reserve some
items. Seemed quite normal on the phone, but when he came in he was a
bit like Papa Lazarou - "is Dave here?" While I was talking to him a
long drool of nasal mucus plopped out of his nose and formed a viscous
pool on the floor next to the counter despite his strained and numerous
attempts to sniff it back in to his head. I looked at the clear globule
excreted upon my department floor, and then I looked at his nose. He
said "I am sorry if I embarrass you". So am I.
Number three on my list is a man who brought
something back to exchange for another item. He did not have a receipt.
That was probably down to the fact that it was purchased, so the
sticker told me, in the October 2002 sale.
Number four is the man who helpfully pointed out to
me that the sign above the door stated that the department stocks both
classical and jazz styles of music. He said "I hope that does not mean
that you play any jazz music in here. It sends me funny". I reassured
him that due to the his views on jazz and those of many other classical
fans, we never play any jazz in there. I did not point out that this is
because he, like many other classical fans, throw the toys out of
the pram as soon as there is some indication that they are not being
visibly treated better than music shoppers who listen to "that noise"
or "that racket out there". Once I saw one who was subjected to a
Johnny Cash song (wooh unlistenable) clutch his head and moan as if it
was physically hurting him. SCUM.
Number five is the ignoramus who said that he wanted
to sign instead of tap in his pin number. His card he said was a sign
only card anyway (it wasn't, funny that, his being like all the others
and him not having his own special little bank) Said he'd call the bank
to get a signing only card because he didn't like pin numbers. Yeah you
go and do that then.
Number six is my manager who was amazing me with his
feats of imagination in finding new and irrelevant things to ask us to
do because the regional manager was coming and there was a chance he
would look in our department so everything has to smell of fresh paint.
He didn't look in. My manager, whilst being obsessed with things like
small hooks dangling from the ceiling or putting up a "gold disc" that
the store won from a now defunct magazine ten years ago for being a
good music shop, is blissfully ignorant of the fact that he hasn't
replaced two people who left our floor despite one of them giving their
notice in ten weeks ago.
Number seven is alright though. He's Mr Hunter who
has exaggerated mannerisms with which he illustrates stories about his
research. He is researching something to do with Wuthering
Heights. I can't really explain except that he veers from one thing to
another without explaining himself and also any revelation he has found
out always has something to do with music or a Welsh connection. He is
really funny anyway and I savoured asking how his research was going
and tried not to laugh while he was telling me.
There is a clothing war going on. I saw a man with a t-shirt on that
said "for every animal you don't eat i'm going to eat three" with a
picture of a pelican, a monkey and a koala bear dropping into a
saucepan. Then I saw a woman with all her brightly coloured clothing
saying things like "vegan" and "for the animals".