Тупой вопрос

Oct 01, 2017 20:21

Что дает с точки зрения химии, физики и сопромата свинец, закатанный между обшивками дерева?
Понятно, что речь идет о корпусе корабля.

ЗЫ:. Спасибо, ответ подсказали на фейсбуке.

Ship armour is to be distinguished from the practice of hull sheathing for preservational reasons, namely the protection against marine wood-boring worms. Greek merchantmen were fitted with lead sheets for that purpose by the 5th century BCE.[1][2] A notable Roman example were the excavated Nemi Ships with an underwater hull covered by a thin layer of lead.[2] The practice was resumed by the Spanish and Portuguese in the Age of Exploration,[3] while the British Royal Navy began to copper their war ships in the 1760s.[4]
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