I haven't posted anything at all in 2016! That is shameful and bad and sad. Most of my writing has been going to Patreon (consider donating! As little as $1 a month, cancel at any time, and get exclusive stories not published anywhere else!
See all the details here!) and you can still see the free stuff on
AO3. Plus I have a new creative outlet:
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I was looking for an old post and tried to find it in 2016. Only to discover, EGADS! I haven't posted here at all since December! And I downgraded from a paid account because really all I was paying for was a super-expensive place to keep all my icons. But I do miss them.
I ship Helen/Charlotte (I even made a video just for them!), but that was a rare show where I was like, "Yes, everyone with everyone." Helen/John, Helen/James, Helen/John/James, permutations of that... ;)
I felt the same way making it! Finding all those clips was like, "Damn, this was a great show." I admit to just giving in and watching a few episodes when I should've been finding clips. ;)
There are MASSIVE SPOILERS in them. Do yourself a favor and watch it all in order. If you have to skip around, start with 2x16 "Relevant." That's where Shaw arrives and the series kicks into high gear (but you'll want to go back eventually because this show was ALWAYS great). And the things they're doing now in S5. Holy smokes. I'll just say this: canon lesbian couple! The female main characters had an on-screen sex scene with each other. It's stuff I only dreamed about back in the SG-1 days.
And no, I have no idea how I met even my very best friends. ;D It's been so long!
GHHN, Charlotte. Helen/Charlotte was life. Ohh, I want to watch it too, but it's not the same alone. I'm not on Tumblr much, it's all very sporadic for me, but sometimes I'll see a rare Sanctuary post on my dashboard. I wish there was an organized fandom rewatch or somewhat. That'd be amazing. In any case, yes, heh. Bascically OT5 with all those people, hm? ;) Not to mention all other characters as well in different combinations... But mostly Helen with everyone because she's simply that charismatic and friendly. I'd want her for myself, if I could.
Oh, yes, yesss, I heard about them getting it on! I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE THAT HAPPEN. I have seen the first three seasons, I just never got around to watching more. But I'll catch up, I will, because it's such a splendid show. My lil' Harold, too. I hope he's doing okay since I left him. Poor darling. I really loved him and then I just stopped watching.
all my books!!!
So yeah, pretty awesome. ;)
Everyone on PoI is amazing. I've seen Michael Emerson out of character and it just proves how nuanced his character of Finch is.
That is really, really brilliant. That must've been so fun, ohh, I can't even begin to imagine what it must have felt like. :D
I was the first book to have Vala on the cover, and I think I was the first SG-1 book to include an openly gay character. I brought back Tanis Reynard from season 6 and I made her gay accepting I would have to change it back if MGM said to. But they didn't!
Also, I have copies of the book signed by Amanda Tapping (she said congratulations!) and Sarah Deakins, who played Tanis (she totally supported Tanis being gay).
It was very, very, very, very, VERY cool to write these characters I've loved for so long. I was really lucky. And the reviews have been nice! A lot of people said it was just like watching an episode, which made me feel accomplished.
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