This is just a brief little intro to a story that may or may not end up novel-length. The idea has been brewing for a while, and then
morgan32 mentioned wanting to see me write a scifi series (because I've written in practically every other genre) and it all came together. The original idea was for an Aeryn/Zhaan type pairing, which quickly became a human soldier meets blue alien priestess, lovings ensue. And yes, the Aeryn character has an Aussie accent in my mind. The Zhaan's voice is more Germanic. So for visual reference...
Commander Rani Clare Cossin*
Thetis:scholar (but with blue skin and white-blue hair and gold/yellow eyes).
It's too short for a summary, really. You get the basics from the header. Enjoy!
The stones used for the path were the same white-tan as her boots. The path was wide enough for the four of them to walk shoulder to shoulder without touching, but the three lieutenants accompanying her from the shuttle clustered behind her in deference to her rank. Stretching out to either side of the path were miles of turquoise-blue water. The water had risen to cover the path enough that her boots splashed with each step. The air was crisp with the promise of snowfall and that, of course, was why they had come.
Commander Rani Clare Cossin turned and saw ice cliffs on the far horizon. She had never seen Leucothea in its prime, but she knew those cliffs were relatively new. According to the information packet, the planet was just about to enter its spring thaw. She tucked the collar of her heavy uniform jacket around her neck and focused on their goal. The sensors picked up one life sign, in one of the dozens of huts that stretched out from the city shoreline.
They reached the wide oval area that housed the hut and Clare signaled for the lieutenants to hang back. The structure was made of clay, situated like a hunched spider on the end of the long leg of stone. All but one of the access ports were shuttered against the wind, and Clare took off her goggles. Her canvas cap was pulled low over her eyes and she nudged it up with her knuckle as she stood in the doorway and waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness.
The sole occupant of the hut was kneeling in the middle of the space with her back to the entrance. Despite the cold, she wore only a thin gown with a gauzy hood that was draped over the pale white curls that cascaded to the middle of her back. Clare knocked on the side of the doorway and said, "Thetis:scholar?"
"That is I."
She turned and Clare saw the woman's profile. In the darkness, her skin looked to be the same shade as the water that surrounded her berth, but Clare knew it was a darker blue. All Leucothean people had blue skin, prompting the derogatory moniker of Blue-Cloths. Her yellow eyes studied Clare before turning back to the brazier in front of her.
"You are from the vessel," Thetis said.
"That's right. I'm Commander Rani Clare Cossin of the vessel Paralus. We were hired by your regent to take you to safety."
Thetis made no indication she had heard.
"We'd like to leave as soon as possible, ma'am."
"You may leave whenever you desire."
Clare moved into the room and circled until she could see Thetis' face. "We were hired to take you out of here. We're not leaving you behind."
Thetis pressed her lips together with minor irritation, then looked at Clare. "My regent is reactionary. I am willing to stay here only as long as it remains safe. I am not a martyr. I have seen the same reports as my regent, and I am confident I can remain here for another five months. The summer season is nearly upon us. The temperature will rise before it drops further."
Clare turned and pushed open the shutters on one side of the hut. Thetis hunched her shoulder and squinted as the light poured in, and Clare pointed at the glaciers. "See those?"
"Increased temperatures will hold them back. This planet is my home, Commander."
"I respect that. But you have to face the reality of this situation. Even if summer does hold off the ice, there's a chance winter will start before you're ready. If the city becomes iced, no ship will risk its people or a shuttle to land, and sure as hell no one will risk crossing that path I just walked if it's coated in ice. Summer may have increased the temperature just enough to give you a last chance to escape before you die here, alone. Are your prayers so important that your god wants you to die mumbling them?"
Thetis lowered her head. "Very well." She stood and gathered her robes around her legs. At full height, she was just barely taller than Clare. "We can go."
"You can take a moment to gather your things."
"No. They belong in this holy place. Here, they are sacred. Elsewhere they will just be items. I am ready, Commander."
Clare walked to the pile of clothes in the far corner and rifled through them until she found something heavier than the robes Thetis wore. "Here. Put this on. The wind is pretty bracing, and I don't want you catching a cold."
"I can cope with--"
"Kest," Clare cursed. "Are you going to fight about every minor thing?"
Thetis tensed, but took the coat and draped it over her shoulders. She turned and walked out of the hut, and Clare noticed too late that the scholar was still barefoot. She sighed and followed rather than beginning another fight concerning proper footwear. The lieutenants straightened as Thetis exited, and Clare gave them a signal to head back. They had come along at the regent's request, in case Thetis refused to come and had to be taken from her hovel by force. Fortunately it hadn't come to that.
Thetis followed the three lieutenants onto the walkway, and Clare cast one last wary look toward the glaciers. She brought her hand to her lips and spoke into the wrist-mounted microphone of her radio. "Commander Cossin to the Paralus. Light the fires; we got her, and we're heading your way."
The response was transmitted in text to the small glass monocle in front of her right eye. She acknowledged and followed Thetis onto the path. They were halfway across when the first fat flakes of snow began to alight on Clare's cheeks and lips. Thetis tilted her head back to look at the sky, then twisted to see if Clare was going to say anything. Clare wasn't petty enough for an 'I told you so,' and Thetis seemed grateful as she faced forward again.
Clare fastened the collar of her jacket and picked up the pace. She wanted to be off the ground by the time the storm started in earnest.