2012 SF/Fantasy March Madness: CHAMPIONSHIP

Mar 19, 2012 14:32

It's come down to this. The championship round of SciFi/Fantasy March Madness! And this one... is... a doozy

Samantha Carter versus Aeryn Sun. Proto!Helen Magnus versus Proto!Vala Mal Doran. Head to head. Woman to woman. How can you even begin to compare such badassery? How can you hope to make a choice? The choice has been made for you in-series. What does everyone point to when Sam mentions something is hard or nigh-impossible? Once again, it's

and we all know how that turned out
"You blow up one sun, suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water."

"Next up, parting the Red Sea."

When giving a demonstration to a group of Rebel Jaffa, Sam Carter is the one who steps forward despite the leader's derisive "The female?" comment. Sam just raises an eyebrow and proceeds to shut him the f up. With the cutest smile when she does well. "Oh, did I make that little old thing fall? SUCK IT, JAFFAFACE."

She blew up a Wraith cruiser, an Ori mothership, activates a super gate, and destroys a black hole all at the same time.

When a "rival" scientist was trapped and didn't trust his own mind to come up with the solution, he hallucinated Sam to come up with ideas he wouldn't/couldn't have considered. And when he told Real!Sam about it, she was smart enough to realize she had been partially-nude for part of the hallucination.

"Maybourne, you are an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you have taken one day off?"

When the Asgard needed "inferior intelligence" to come up with a plan, Sam was smart enough to think dumb.

SAM: "We're running another diagnostic, but right now we're stumped. Power's getting through to the capacitors, but for some reason the charge isn't holding. That's causing the control crystal to send feedback into the interface and reset the programming code of the base computer's dialing protocol."
MARTIN: "Whoa! That was awesome! Say that again!"
SAM: ~stares at him~ "No."

SAM: "'The singularity is about to explode'?"
MARTIN: "Yes."
SAM: "Everything about the statement is wrong."

Samantha Carter rode a motorcycle, could pick locks, and only held off writing a book on what she knew because her brain worked faster than her hands. And when she did get the ability to write faster, she complained because the "stupid computer" was too slow.

Sam was a brilliant scientist who had to overcome gender inequality to even get a spot on the team. Even after ten years of proving herself, she still had to deal with Ba'al's snarky comments about how she was inferior because she was a woman (and by "deal with it," I mean punch him in the damn nose). She was a soldier, who followed orders that she often found horrible. She was a woman, who occasionally couldn't help but wear her heart on her sleeve. Somehow she balanced all of this to become a leader. And when it came time for her to leave Atlantis, she was taken out of the position because she had achieved all the goals they sent her there to take care of. In a year.

Aeryn Sun was an amazing character. But for the reasons listed above (and for SO MANY OTHERS I can't even go into without turning this into a huge rant (YOU: "Too late!")), Samantha Carter is the tops. She deserves the win. She has earned the win.

Thank you for listening.

And for the 2013 tourney, please place your votes here for fandoms that were overlooked this time around (be sure to read the rules and make sure no one has beaten you to the punch!)
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