Title: Cradle Robber
geonncannonFandom: Sanctuary/Warehouse 13
Pairing: Helen Magnus/Helena G Wells
Word Count: 480
Category: PWP
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me!
Rating: Mature
Author's Notes: This story made possible by the
Porn Battle prompt "Warehouse 13, Helen Magnus/Helena G Wells, muse"
Summary: In 1888, Helen surrenders.
"You simply... simply must stop."
"What am I doing that's so objectionable?"
"You know full well."
In the dark corridor, Helen turns her face toward the wall to hide her blush, but that only prompts her companion to press closer. She can feel Helena's breath on her throat. Strong fingers pull back Helen's collar and kiss her throat. Helen tenses, recoils, and puts her hands on the girl's shoulders to push her away. She faces Helena, narrowing her eyes, baring her teeth in frustration. Helena, infuriating, smiles at her. Helen looks past her, to the curtain that prevents John and James and Nikola from seeing them.
"Is it because we're both women? Because you are my tutor?"
"It is because you are a child."
"I am twenty-two."
"Only twenty-two, and I am thirty-eight." She folded Helena's hands in her own. "I fear I have done you a great disservice, Helena. You see, I have been selfish telling you of my adventures so you can turn them into your sensational stories. It's my dream to see you published, to know I had something to do with helping a talented young writer make her mark on the world. But I fear I've misled you about my feelings. I see you as a friend, Helena. Nothing more."
Helena smiled and gently freed one hand. "You're a liar, Helen Magnus. And what's more, so am I. Do you know how many of your tales I've written?" She began lifting Helen's skirt. "None. Not a single one have I committed to paper. I simply enjoy hearing you speak."
"Helena. Please."
Helena's hand disappeared under Helen's gown. She stroked a smooth thigh, and her eyelids dropped. "How often I have touched this place on my leg and imagined it was yours. How often I wondered if it would quake at my touch."
Helen whimpered and rested her head against the wall.
"Tell me again to stop."
Helen's lip curled. "Harlot."
Helena smiled. She curled her other arm around Helen's neck, her forehead against Helen's temple. Helen put her hands on Helena's hips and pulled her closer together. They were almost lost in shadows. A guest to the house could have glanced down the corridor and never known two women were standing together in this small alcove. On the other side of the curtain, a log was tossed onto the fire, and James laughed at some comment Nigel made. Wind buffeted the sides of the house.
Helen parted her lips, but her gasp never sounded. Her eyes were closed, her nose wrinkled. Her fingers dug into Helena's skin.
"Am I still so young?"
Helen's face was warm. She considered her gift and touched Helen's face. She swept one thumb over her bottom lip, still not quite so bold as to kiss another woman no matter her age.
"Perhaps I should become accustomed to the young."
Helena smiled.