Title: The Bandage and the Blade
geonncannonFandom: Sanctuary
Pairing: Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla/Will Zimmerman
Word Count: 2,432
Category: AU, Angst, hurt/comfort, drama
Spoilers: End of Nights, Vigilante, One Night, Wingman, Carentan, Out of the Blue
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me.
Rating: NC17
Sequel to:
The Whisper and the Shout, but it's
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Are you biologically or do you identify as male?
I knew this fic might be a little... ~coughs~ I'm sorry to hear you were disturbed by it whatever your reasons! That was NOT my intent whatsoever. Maybe I was channeling someone-- anyway, um, yeah. Go ahead. ~braces self~
I don't, for clarification, have any problem with men writing women. If I did, I shouldn't be allowed to write men or Abnormals.
We write where the muse takes us, and that's all right. You've been gracious, and seem to understand the content of the objection. Thank you for that.
In the future if you do choose to venture off in this direction - darkfic has a place in Fandom, lots of people write it, and I don't have to read it if it bothers me - just use a much stronger warning, and it'll help balance out the other issue.
I'll do better in the future. It's far, far better for people to look at a warning and wonder why I bothered than to click and get blindsided by something they should have been warned about.
(I added a third warning... and the reason I'm doing it as second, third, is so that it's not buried/lost in the length of the first one... so I hope it'll keep anyone else from stumbling over it.)
Thank you for speaking up! It would be very easy to just wrinkle your nose and move me onto the blacklist or something. ;-D
Like I said, I appreciate your reasonableness all the way around. I'd rather speak up for my sake and that of others and give you a chance to speak for yourself, which you've done well.
Thank you, also.
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