Title: Jerk: An Epic MMOM Story, 3/3
geonncannonFandom: Original (m/m, m/f, f/f, multiples and combinations)
Words: 20,033
Date: May 8
Author's Note: This is for
moonlettuce, who opened up the
mmom house and invited us to let all our characters masturbate in it. This is in lieu of offering to help clean up in June, because ew.
The poll to suggest future pairings/
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Comments 14
I loved this with a burning passion. It was really sweet how you wove in their connection and love during the epic threesome. The only thing better than some beautifully written pwp is emotional, beautifully written pwp. <3
And thank you! I thought that if I was going to write something epic like this, I'd put the words to good use. An emotional polyamorous relationship. Gotta love that! And I do admit, a lot of the first few thousands words was just me kind of free-writing. No plan, no map, just seeing what happened. I didn't even know the Jerk was bi until his boyfriend woke up. ;-D
And Jack would indeed know what to do!
And I loved the little mentions of things like X-Men and Tremors (a Tremors t-shirt is absolutely dressing up). I've no idea if you catered them for me, but I'm totally claiming that you did (even if you didn't).
20,000 words of wank! And it's all mine! Bweeeeeeeee!
::dances you around::
I did indeed! I stalked your LJ a little bit for the little things that would make you bounce a little higher. :D
It's allllll yours! Even on AO3, I think. I'm so glad you liked it! I was worried about the sex scene, but it was necessary after that much masturbation/teasing. ~g~
(I'm trying to counter all the boysex in this story by using as many lesbian icons as possible in my replies. ;-D)
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