Title: The Sirens and the Thunder
geonncannonFandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Word Count: 9063
Category: Drama, Action, AU
SG-1 Spoilers: Need, Rite of Passage, Abyss, Heroes, Unending
SGA Spoilers: Sunday, First Strike, Reunion
Spoilers Also: Post-series information for SG-1 and SGA, basic universe knowledge from SGU.
Disclaimer: They don't
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Well, Sam knew that he wouldn't throw away his bargaining chip. Without Janet, he would have nothing to stop the SG teams from rushing in and opening fire randomly. But still, a huge gamble on Sam's part.
I am so glad the Nirrti backstory is significant to the current story. I was impressed with it when you first established it and now I’m just giddy.
~laughs~ Thank you kindly.
Your dedication to these characters is just beyond anything else I’ve read.
~blush~ Thank you. I'm so protective of them! I feel like I created them myself sometimes. Which is weird. And I know I didn't! ~eyes the beasts of lawyers and copyright~ ;-D
Second of all, I too, don’t believe you can turn back time. You certainly can’t erase time. So whatever that was that happened,
RIGHT! See, I believe that they did rewind it to a point. But there would be leftovers. You don't just live sixty years in a body and then throw it in reverse. There has to be some lingering after effects. There's even a hint at the fact they retained something in the final scene of the episode, when they're going through the old cliches. :D
"Boys and their toys.” Janet’s talking to you, GC.
Go with what works! ;-D
Aaaaand sexins. Super hot sexins. But this feedback is already over 1200 words so to condense my reaction: Uuhhhnnnn....*orgasmface*
Awwww. You can elaborate in your modest-by-comparison 900 word response to this response. ~g~
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