I plan on writing some for other people, so why shouldn't I get to play? ;-D
Five Acts Master Post at
toestastegood- Post a list of your five favorite kinks/acts or themes in your journal. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
- Comment to the master post with a link to your post.
- Read other people's lists.
- Post comment-fic based off of other people's lists.
The Five Acts Meme will last from the 19th until the 26th of April
Crossdressing - A woman in a suit, either packing something extra or not, but still entirely feminine. Something about that just flips those switches. It existed before Amanda Tapping wore the dress shirt/vest/tie combo, but that's really the epitome of the kink.
Public/Semi-public sex - Down a dark hallway, the voices of their friends still audible, quiet, quick and frantic, fully-clothed and desperate.
Uniforms - Air Force uniforms, cop uniforms, nurse uniforms... yeah.
Mutual Masturbation - Either planned or not, just watching each other.
Bondage/Blindfold - By mutual consent, of course, but tied to the bedposts, back arched, waiting for the touch...
Sanctuary - Helen/any f, Helen/Druitt/Watson (historical), Helen/Mermaid (just don't call her Sally :D)
Stargate - Sam/Janet, Sam/Teal'c, Sam/Vala, Sam/Keller, Sam/Weir, Jack/Daniel/Teal'c/Sam/Janet, James/TJ, Sam/Wray, Camile/Sharon, TJ/Wray
Castle - Beckett/Lainie, Beckett/Alexis (future!fic, no underage)
Leverage - Sophie/Parker, Sophie/Tara, Parker/Tara, Sophie/Parker/Tara
Bitch Slap - Hel/Camero, Camero/Trixie, Hel/Trixie, Hel/Camero/Trixie, Camero/Sister Batrill(/Mother Superior)
Things What I Wrote for Others:
* "
You're Never Underdressed in Minsk," Sophie/Tara (Leverage), for
scintilla10 (803 words)
* "
Enemies Closer," Fiona/Carla (Burn Notice), for
glorifiedlover (1656 words)
* "
Little Comforts," Kate/Lanie (Castle), for
medie (1,241 words)
* "
In Tents Satisfaction," Sam/Teal'c (Stargate), for
openended (1,204 words)
* "
After the War," Sam/Cameron (Stargate), for
owldark (1,227 words)
* "
Dubliners," Michael/Fiona (Burn Notice), for
scorpiod1 (810 words)
* "
Desperation," Liz (Amanda Tapping's character from Stuck) for
rowan_d (977 words)