Forty Hundred Odd Words of Drabble

Jul 08, 2009 17:39

Title: Ships in the Night
Author: geonncannon
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: NC17
Prompt: The Gulf War

Sam was bone weary, and she had another long day ahead of her. She couldn't complain, though. She'd broken the barrier as a female pilot, and she wasn't about to give anyone a chance to take it away from her. But God, if she didn't want to just throw down and sleep for a week. But as lovely as sleep sounded, a shower was an absolute necessity. Unfortunately, they were in the middle of nowhere, a shanty town in the middle of the desert, and the only facility was a metal shack at the edge of their little town. Sam waited until the men were done, and trekked through the sand just after midnight, fantasizing about the cool water.

She was already inside the bathroom before she realized the water was running. Great. Some jackass is going to use up all the water before I even get a chance to undress. She peeked around the corner into the shower area and was surprised to see a woman under the spray. A woman with a great ass. Her hair was up in a ponytail, her arms and neck burned brown by the unrelenting sun. Unlike most people, with farmer's tans and pasty white skin underneath, this woman had a fairly even tan all over her body. All over her body.

Sam's eyebrows shot up, disappearing under her boonie cap. She realized this was the new doctor that rotated in, Foster or something like that. Sam pressed her shoulder against the wall and watched as the doctor soaped up her hands. The water cascaded down her legs, pooling at her feet with a thousand little white bubbles.

Sam looked toward the door and undid her trousers before looking back into the stall.

The doctor was singing quietly to herself, taking her time. It was the middle of the night; she had no reason to assume anyone was waiting. Sam wondered if the doctor savored these nighttime showers, if she spent the entire day looking forward to a few minutes under a cold spray of water.

Sam flattened her hand and slid her fingers into her boxers. She craned her neck around the corner and the doctor turned sideways. Sam's eyes widened at the sight of the woman's breasts. Her nipples were dark and erect, bright with water. The doctor ran her hand over them and Sam watched, hypnotized, as the soap trailed over the curves.

Sam backed up before the woman could catch her. She closed her eyes, picturing that beautiful body again. God, what she wouldn't give... but no. The odds were against her. The woman was probably straight and, even if she wasn't, there was no way Sam was going to jeopardize her position for a fling. It's better this way, she told herself as she began to touch herself.

After a moment, she peeked again. The doctor had her legs parted, one hand braced against the wall. Her right arm was rubbing furiously at somethi-- Sam's eyes widened and she retreated back against the wall. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. But she couldn't stop herself. The sight of the beautiful, naked, wet woman masturbating was too much. She grunted, bit her tongue, and clamped her thighs around her hand. She brought her hand up to her mouth to stifle her moans, bending forward at the waist until the waves stopped. She gasped, pushed her free hand through her hair, and eventually pulled herself back together.

She leaned against the wall, panting, and heard quiet noises from the showers. Gasps, maybe a moan, a whispered, "...yes," and then a quiet cry. Quick, heard and then gone without even an echo, and Sam knew that the woman had come. The water shut off and Sam dashed to the door. She had to get out, she had to...


Sam froze at the door, then slowly turned and saw the doctor standing behind her. She fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) had a towel wrapped around herself, but her breasts... Sam resisted the urge to lick her lips.

"You're Captain... Carter. Right?"

"Yeah," Sam said. God, her mouth was dry.

"Captain Fraiser. Janet." She gestured over her shoulder. "And you're in luck. The shower is completely free." She pushed some hair out of her face with the back of one hand.

"Um... good. I was... hoping."

Janet smiled and Sam's knees nearly buckled. "Well. Enjoy your shower."

"I will," Sam said. She stepped aside and let Janet walk past her. Sam went into the shower stall to undress. She had removed her boots and socks, amazed at the pile of sand gathering underneath her, and was about to pull off her T-shirt when Janet's voice echoed toward her from the locker area.

"Oh, Captain?"

"Yes?" Sam said.

"Be warned. Sounds tend to carry in here."

Sam blushed deep red, and she heard Captain Fraiser's laughter echoing into the night as the doctor left the building.

Title: Mirage
Author: geonncannon
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: NC17
Prompt: None. I realized the three drabbles I wrote were chronological order, so I decided to write one more to link Ships in the Night and White Knight in Green Camo. :D Senior Citizens in Love doesn't fit at all, but it's still chronological. ;-)

Janet couldn't believe her eyes. She'd skimmed over the roster when she was assigned to the SGC, but the name hadn't registered then. She didn't think of the Mystery Woman as Captain Samantha Carter of the United States Air Force. She thought of her as the Bedouin. Okay, it was highly inaccurate, but that was the first name that popped into her head. Alone in her bunk in Iraq, explosions in the distance, so damn alone. Lonely. The picture of her ex-girlfriend not doing the trick anymore, but still trying to rub herself to orgasm before the others came back.

The sandblasted woman seemed to come out of nowhere, and Janet thought it was a mirage at first. Desert camo, face dark from the sun, a bandana wrapped around her head. And there was Janet, lying on the cot, legs spread with a thin sheet draped over her crotch, naked legs sticking out and leaving no question what she was doing. Her olive drab tank top with no bra, nipples hard... and those ice blue eyes trailing down her body, taking in every inch before she dropped her gear and stepped forward.

Janet remembered the woman from the shower. The woman who she'd seen watching her, the woman she'd put on the show for. She remembered the thrill, knowing someone was watching her. Her masturbation hadn't been an act, it was all she could do not to shout out when she came. But that was meant to be the end of it. She couldn't have a fling with another soldier, for crying out loud! She would be kicked out of the military, for God's sake.

But suddenly the woman was on her. Janet gasped into the first kiss, her hand replaced by the other woman's calloused fingers. Janet thought her heart would burst out of her chest as the fingers worked against her. Her orgasm, eagerly sought a moment ago, threatened to arrive too soon now, and she pleaded for it to stay back as she tore at the camo uniform.

They were half-naked when Janet came. She thrashed against the cot, throwing her blankets around, fingers clutching at the rough material of her lover's uniform. A soft kiss with surprisingly soft lips, kisses on her throat and down the front of her chest, and then she went limp. She almost passed out, overheated and dripping sweat.

"Sorry," the mirage said.

"Don't... wait!" she said as the weight lifted off of her. She grabbed the collar of her lover's uniform and pulled her back. They kissed, Janet clutching the mystery woman and thrusting her tongue into the other woman's mouth, desperate.

When the kiss broke, the woman again said, "I'm sorry." She kissed Janet's fingers and hurried from the tent. Janet balled her hands into fists and pressed them to her eyes. Janet remembered the name "Carter" the entire time she was in Iraq, and the rest of her time in Saudi Arabia. She soon discovered the first name, Samantha, and found a photograph of the beautiful blonde looking clean and scrubbed in her dress blues.

Her ex-girlfriend's picture was thrown out. Carter's went up in her bunk, and it never lost its power to get her off.

Now, two long years later, Janet stood in a curtained-off area of her new infirmary and stared at the back of Samantha Carter's head. Carter was in a T-shirt and cargo pants, looking down at something in her hands. Janet walked slowly around the foot of the bed. "Captain."

Carter looked up, smiled, and then her eyes widened in recognition. She started to gasp, but Janet was too quick. She slapped her hand over Carter's mouth and silence anything she might have said. "No. No, you don't get to say anything." She reached down with her free hand. Sam frowned and looked down. "You don't walk in, do that to me, and then disappear." Sam's pants came undone and Janet tugged the zipper down. "You don't do that to me and get away with that. It's payback time."

Janet removed her hand and Sam meekly said, "Okay." She shimmied the pants off her hips and leaned back on her elbows.

Janet grinned, licked her lips, and dropped to her knees.

Title: White Knight in Green Camo
Author: geonncannon
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: NC17
Prompt: protector

The marketplace was crowded, shopkeepers thrusting their goods out at the passing visitors. Janet was right behind Sam, crowding her a bit, but the Major didn't mind. When the man lunged from between two kiosks, Sam only saw a glint of light off something metal in his hands, aimed right for Janet's throat. Sam just reacted; pushing Janet out of the way and stepped forward. She kicked the man's legs out from underneath him. Sam looked down as he fell, finally seeing the dangling jewelry. Just a necklace.

"Sorry! Sorry!" the man shouted as he scurried away.

"Hate to see you at Macy's," O'Neill said.

Sam muttered an apology, and turned to make sure Janet was all right. The doctor's eyes were wide, and she nodded that she was fine. Crisis averted, the team continued through the marketplace.

That night, in their private room, Janet waited until she was sure everyone was asleep before she slid into Sam's bed. Sam wore her black T-shirt and camo pants to bed, in case she needed to jump into action during the night. Janet also wore her shirt, but she couldn't sleep in pants so she was in boxer shorts.

Sam stirred, her hand on her forehead, and blinked at the intruder in her bed. "Janet?" she said. She glanced toward the door, past the flickering torch they had both neglected to snuff. "We're going to get caught."

"I don't like being treated like a damsel," Janet said. "I don't like people treating me like I can't take care of myself."

"I wasn't thinking. I just saw--"

"Let me finish," Janet said. She ran her hand over Sam's stomach, pushing the shirt out of the way. "When you stepped between me and that guy... when you pushed me out of danger..." She licked her lips. "I got really hot."

Sam smiled. "Really."

Janet kissed the corners of Sam's mouth. "My hero."

Sam put her hands on Janet's hip and pulled. Janet fell on top of Sam, hooking her knees on the outside of Sam's legs. They kissed slowly and Janet pushed her hands higher. She cupped Sam's breasts through her T-shirt and teased Sam's lips with the tip of her tongue. Sam tilted her head and took Janet's tongue, sucking it as her hands moved into Janet's boxers.

"Gonna have to be quiet," Sam whispered against Janet's mouth.

"I can do quiet." Janet began to move her hips against Sam, rubbing herself against the coarse material of Sam's pants. Janet's hands found Sam's nipples and she twisted them between her fingers as Sam writhed. "Can you?"

Sam grunted and laughed.

Janet sat up and, perched on Sam's waist, peeled her shirt off. Sam pressed back against the mattress and sighed, eyes wandering the familiar terrain of Janet's upper body. Janet reached back with one hand, sliding her left hand along the inside of Sam's thigh. Sam spread her legs apart, and her eyes closed as Janet touched her through her pants.

"Don't," Janet said. "Look at me."

Sam forced her eyes open, gasping as Janet's fingers began to move. Sam pushed her hand down, past the curve of Janet's ass and ending up between her legs. Soon, they were both breathing heavily. Sam turned her head and saw the shadow of Janet's body against the far wall, a slender feminine shape with full breasts, wild hair, her body bowed. She watched Janet's shadow, movements seemingly independent from the woman currently thrusting against her, and Sam suddenly understood how people could believe in goddesses and angels.

Janet whispered, "I'm coming..."

Sam bit her bottom lip and Janet squeezed her eyes shut, trembling in the effort to keep quiet. Sam pressed herself against Janet's hand and dug her heels into the mattress. Janet finally went limp, settling on Sam's chest and trying to get her breathing under control. She kissed Sam's chest and neck, running her tongue along Sam's pulse point. "Did you come?" she whispered.

"Yes," Sam said. She kissed Janet's forehead and then her eyes. She glanced past Janet at the other bed in the room. "If you stay here, they'll know your bed hasn't been slept in."

"Can't move," Janet said. "Can't leave your bed. It's against my nature."

Sam chuckled and pulled the blanket up over Janet's body. "We'll just have to be sure to get up before the boys."

Janet smiled. "Put your arms around me." Sam obliged and Janet cuddled against her. All her life, she had been the victim of those who wanted to protect her. The people who saw her size and thought she needed someone to step forward and protect her from danger. But for some reason, with Sam, she didn't mind it so much. She rested her head in the curve of Sam's shoulders, closed her eyes, and trusted Sam to get her safely to morning.

Title: Senior Citizens in Love
Author: geonncannon
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: R
Prompt: losing track of time

Sam rested her head on Janet's chest and laced their fingers together. She lifted Janet's hand and twisted, watching how Janet's arm moved with hers. "We're late."

"Huh?" Janet said, already half-asleep. She blinked down at Sam. "What? Late for what?" She craned her neck to look at the clock.

"For getting out early. Remember?" She lifted her head and brushed her cheek across Janet's breast. "Our first night together. We kissed in the hotel room, and I pressed you against the wall. I couldn't stop myself. The second I touched you, I knew I had to take it all the way."

"I remember," Janet whispered, a smile playing on her lips.

"We said we would get it out of our systems. We said it wasn't going to be a thing. Neither one of us would sacrifice her career, you wouldn't risk Cassie, it would all be for the best. We would just get it out of our systems. Of course, we said all of this as I was pulling your panties down under your dress, so if you don't remember..."

"I have a vague recollection," Janet said. "But please, keep reminding me. What happened then?"

"I undressed you, and I threw you on the bed."

"I do like it when you take me."

Sam blushed. "I couldn't stop looking at you. You were so gorgeous naked. I nearly cried."

"You did cry, Sam. I remember very clearly."

"Well. Whatever." Sam cleared her throat, embarrassed, and Janet chuckled. "I didn't know where to touch you, so I tried touching you everywhere. It couldn't have been very arousing..."

"Oh, trust me, Sam..."

Sam smiled. "And hearing you come..."

"The whole hotel probably heard me."

Sam kissed Janet's stomach. "And then you made love to me. Gently. Slowly. God, Janet. I'd never had an orgasm like that, and you did it twice."

"Well, I was inspired."

"But then that was it. We were going to get out early while we still could."

"Uh-huh. I remember the conversation over breakfast."

Sam nodded. "But I broke the rules, didn't I?"

"You broke them first," Janet said. "But only because you beat me to the punch. I was aching for you." She dragged her fingers through Sam's hair.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you. So I went back to your place."

"And you made love to me on the kitchen floor."

Sam licked a circle around Janet's belly button.

"We decided we would be friends with benefits. But we would still get out as soon as we could."

"Right. To avoid hurt feelings and complications."

"Right. It was for the best. But then I guess we lost track of time. So when did we fall in love?"

Janet put her hand on Sam's back. "I think it was when you left for Atlantis and invited me to come with you. And we moved into the same quarters. People didn't care as much on Atlantis, so far away from courts and legalities. You grew your hair long. I love it long." She threaded Sam's loose hair through her fingers.

Sam let Janet stroke her hair. "We were so determined. No long-term feelings."

"Good thing your soldiers follow orders better than you, General."

Sam looked up at Janet. "How did this happen? We're senior citizens, Janet."

"That stuff about stopping early," Janet said. "It kept you from going crazy. Because if you were, God forbid, in a relationship with a woman, the idea of being caught would have paralyzed you. So we lied a bit to ourselves."

"I'm sorry," Sam said. "You deserved better than that."

"Oh, Sam," Janet said. She bent down and kissed Sam's forehead. "I knew. I knew from that first night together. Why else do you think I agreed to it? Do you think I would be happy with anything less than all your love?"

Sam smiled. "You think you're so much smarter than me."

"Well, dear," Janet sighed.

Sam kissed Janet and settled down on top of her. "Well, in honor of the beginning of our relationship, I saw we stay up late tonight."

"But it's already ten-thirty. How crazy do you want to be?"

Sam grinned, growled, and pinned Janet to the mattress.

"Oh. That crazy," Janet chuckled, wrapping her arms around her lover.

Title: Close Enough to Fool
Author: geonncannon
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam/Vala
Rating: NC17
Prompt: comfort!sex

Vala looks down at her hands. "When I showed up here, I didn't understand you. I thought you were so sad. I felt sorry for you, as a matter of fact. I wanted you to lighten up. But now... I've seen what you've been facing for so long. I see what you've lost, in Janet Fraiser and your father... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, to touch a nerve. The things you've lost, and sacrificed, I understand now. It's a wonder you smile as much as you do."

Sam shifts in the darkness. "To be honest, when you showed up, I envied you. The way you moved through life. The way you took joy from all the small things around you. I've never been able to do that. Blame it on the Stargate or the past ten years if you want, but I'm... I'm not a happy person. I don't smile all that much. I'm self-conscious about my laugh, so I... don't. I watched you bounce around this place and I just... I thought, 'God, why can't I do that?'"

Vala gets up and moves to the bed. "I guess this place changes everyone. I'm a little more like you, and... maybe you're a little more like me."

Sam smiles and leans forward. Her lips touch Vala's tentatively, and then she moved her head and her lips part. She pulls Vala onto the bed with her, and shifts her legs. Vala finds a comfortable position and Sam trails a hand down Vala's side. Sam supports herself on one elbow and breaks the kiss, looking down at Vala. Vala looks up at Sam and then undoes the last button on Sam's jacket.

The last button is the first step. They slowly undress, taking a moment here and there to kiss exposed skin. When they are finally naked, Sam kneels in the middle of the bed and draws Vala to her. Vala's legs slide around Sam's, and Sam settles at the crux of Vala's legs. She places a hand on the mattress for support and moves her hips, rubs herself against Vala. Vala closes her eyes and Sam's voice is rough when she says, "What?"

"I've never..." Vala swallows hard. She grips Sam's thigh, pulling her tighter. "I've never been with someone out of just love. I mean, I've..." She licks her lips and a tear rolls down her cheek. "Fuck."

Sam cups the back of Vala's head and pulls her forward. They kiss and Vala rocks her hips faster, faster, panting against Sam's mouth, fingers digging into soft flesh, and then she breaks the kiss and cries out Sam's name. Sam kisses her way down Vala's neck and moves until her own orgasm, her fingers clenching and relaxing on the back of Vala's neck until they are both too exhausted to move.

Sam rests her forehead against Vala's, Vala closes her eyes.

"I didn't mean to... to say that I was in love with..."

"I know."

"I don't mean that I don't, but--"

"Vala." Vala opens her eyes. "Shh. It's okay." Sam kisses her lips and rearranges her legs. She lowers Vala to the mattress and spoons her from behind. Vala, always with a joke, always with a raised eyebrow and a smart remark, clutches Sam's arms as they wrap around her.


Sam squeezes and Vala bows her head. She falls asleep just before Sam kisses the back of her neck and closes her own eyes. It doesn't have to be love between them, so long as it's close enough to fool an outside observer.

Title: Fingerprinted Skin
Author: geonncannon
Fandom: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Rating: NC17
Prompt: reunion

Alex was naked in Olivia's bed. The sheets were new, crisp, and it felt like she was in a hotel. But the smells, the feel of the place, was definitely (home) Olivia's place. Olivia sat in front of her, legs crossed Indian-style, with a bowl of water resting on her thighs. She wore underwear and nothing else. Alex dipped the rag into the water and squeezed it, the water rushing over her fingers. "How many?"

"Three," Olivia said. "You?"

Alex blushed. The number seemed so high. "Six." She touched the washcloth to Olivia's right shoulder and swept it across her chest. The water trailed down her skin, over her breasts, exciting the nipples.

"Did you tell any of them you loved them?"

"Yes," Alex said. They were sworn to honesty tonight.

"Where are they now?"


Alex ran the cloth across Olivia's chest again. Wiping out every memory, every fingerprint, every touch of every lover Olivia had been with since their... break up? Separation? It didn't matter what it was called. It was over now.

"Did you sleep with Novak?"


"Did you love her?"

Olivia hesitated, but since Alex told the truth: "I did."

"And now?"

"It's always been you, Alex. She knows that."

Alex ducked her head and wet the cloth again. "Did you end things because of me?"

"No. Things ended with us a, a long time ago."

Alex's hand dipped down between Olivia's legs, and Olivia rolled her head back. Alex's fingers, wet, brushed over Olivia's underwear. "No one was like you, Liv." She leaned in and kissed Olivia's shoulder.

Olivia took the cloth from Alex's hand, their fingers brushing together as they made the hand-off. She turned the cloth around and pressed it against the center of Alex's chest. She squeezed, and a waterfall cascaded down Alex's body. It caught in the short, blonde hair between her legs. Olivia made a figure eight, brushing Alex's hard nipples, teasing them to full erection. Alex shifted on the mattress.

It had taken a lot to get to this point, to have the trust and faith in each other again. Alex's absence was a gap in Olivia's life, a crater in her own existence. Years living with someone else's name, in a town that she hadn't chosen... it was strange to be back in her own skin again. But she was used to it. Olivia needed time to accept Alex hadn't called her immediately. She understood the reasons, but that wasn't the same as forgiving it.

The washcloth moved again, erasing another lover.

Olivia leaned forward and her lips touched Alex's. It was more tenative than their first kiss, stolen on a street in the middle of the night. Alex parted her lips and Olivia touched the top lip with her tongue before retreating. She lay the washcloth on Alex's thigh and put her hand between Alex's legs.

"Did they touch you here?"

A sharp breath. "Yes."

Olivia brushed with wet fingers and Alex straightened her back. She denounced all of her lovers: the US Marshall, Mary. The television writer, Liz. The bed and breakfast owner, Lorelai. The ill-advised fling with Jim. The two women whose names she couldn't even remember, barflies who looked so much like Olivia after two drinks that Alex hoped they would dull the pain...

All of the others faded as Olivia touched her. The fingers, so familiar and half-forgotten, made her remember where she belonged. She moved against Olivia's hand, and reached out. She cupped Olivia's breasts, thumbs brushing over her nipples, and rolled her head back on her shoulders. She came quickly, the thought of once again having Olivia's fingers inside of her pushing her over the edge. She moved her hands to Olivia's shoulders and sagged forward. The water sloshed in the bowl, spilling over Olivia's lap.

They looked down at the drops trailing down Olivia's thighs. Alex reached down and brushed the water away. "Mine."

Olivia ran her thumb over Alex's bottom lip. "Mine."

They looked into each other's eyes and Alex closed the distance between them. The past didn't matter. The wasted years didn't matter. The attempts to forget in another woman's arms didn't matter. They were where they were supposed to be now.

Title: Gun Shy
Author: geonncannon
Fandom: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Rating: NC17
Prompt: Baby's got her gun out

Alex knew she was bisexual in high school, when she kept one eye on the cheerleaders while making out with the jocks. It wasn't until college that she explored completely. She liked her men manly and her women feminine, the eyelashes and the long hair and the skirts and stockings, and she got a shiver. If she was going to be with a woman, she didn't want butch.

Olivia Benson confounded her, damn it. Her hair was short, and all Alex wanted to do was brush the nape of Olivia's neck with her fingers. She wore leather jackets and Alex just wanted to push it off her shoulders as she pulled her close. Her jaw was strong, not delicate, and she strutted into a room daring any man to call her a lady. She sat with legs parted, elbows on her knees, and Alex had to stop herself from dropping between them.

She blamed the gun. Watching Olivia sweep her jacket back, flip the catch on the holster and swing the gun up... it was a thing of beauty. Unfortunately she had only seen it three times, but damn. Just picturing it in her mind was enough to set her off.

The first time she asked Olivia to keep her shoulder holster on, Olivia frowned at her. But she did as requested, and Alex ran her fingers over the leather as they made love. The gun was in the nighstand, but just knowing it was there... she got goosebumps.

It wasn't a weapon kink. She figured that out when she held one. She didn't want the actual gun to play any part in their bedroom. It was just a hunk of metal, an oily piece of heavy metal that was used to cause pain. She didn't want that. It was how Olivia tamed it. The gun was frightening, but not in her hands. Olivia made it an extension of her hand. It was how Alex felt when Olivia's hand was between her legs. She was the weapon, and Olivia tamed her.

She watched Olivia run the rag over the barrel of the gun, her fingers stained from the oil. Olivia's fingers running along the length like a lover, her eyes locked on the black metal as it passed under her fingers. She twisted the gun in her hand, and it caught the light. So meticulous in her care.

Olivia caught Alex staring at her and smiled. She knew the kink. She knew that the gun had very little to do with the arousal she saw behind Alex's glasses. Olivia wiped her hands carefully and got up off the couch. Alex was breathing heavily, nipples hard as Olivia stood in front of her. Alex remembered she only liked feminine women, damn it, damn it, why was she getting so wet when Olivia was just standing in front of her, looking down at her?

Alex looked up.

"I'll get the oil," Olivia said.

Alex exhaled, a gasp and a sigh, and nodded. Olivia walked calmly to the bedroom - strutted, butch and confident - and Alex waited a moment to collect herself before giving chase.

benson, drabble, samjanet, stargate, samvala

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