Four more drabbles (21!)!

Feb 07, 2008 21:12

Well, I said. I wrote eight drabbles for the drabble-a-thon yesterday, I'll take today off and make icons. No such luck. I mean, yeah, I made the icons. Capped and made and posted them. And STILL. STILL, I managed to get four drabbles done. I impress myself sometimes. :D


No Backing Out, Sam/Janet/Jack -

Janet came into Sam's lab without knocking; she knew she was welcome by now. "Hey, Sam," she said as she sidled up behind the Major's work station. She leaned forward to look at the computer monitor and said, "What are you working on?"

"The Stargate diag--" She turned and took the mug of coffee Janet was holding out to her. "Oh, thank you. The Stargate diagnostic team has been running a little behind schedule, so I'm trying to streamline their efforts." She took a sip, sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and said, "Why? Was there something you needed, or...?"

"No," Janet said. She clasped her hands as if she was praying and leaned her elbows on the counter. "Mind if I hang out a bit?"

"No, be my guest," Sam said. She loved Janet's company. She turned back to the monitor and adjusted another airman's schedule. Halfway through her coffee, her eyes began to blur. She cleared her throat and reached to put it down. "Mm." She shook her head and said, "I don't think the, ah, caffeine is doing its job..." Her hand slid along the edge of the counter and Janet caught her before she hit the floor.

"Easy, honey," Janet whispered as she helped Sam remain upright. She wrapped an arm around Sam's waist, ducking down and putting herself under Sam's arm to help her stand. "That's a good girl..."

Sam murmured, "Jan't... ca't sta' up..."

"I know, baby, it's all right..."

Sam's legs gave out and the petite doctor was forced to take her weight. Fortunately, she was well-prepared after years of wrestling with uncooperative or unconscious patients.


Sam's forehead was against something cold. She blinked, yawned mightily and stared out the window at the passing scenery. She swallowed and smacked her lips before she turned to look into the front seat.

Janet was behind the wheel, and Jack was messing with the radio. "Don't screw up my presets," Janet admonished quietly. She looked in the rear view mirror, her bright brown eyes focusing on Sam's face. "Sam," she said, very affectionate for someone who had just drugged her. "You're awake."

"Where'm I?" Sam said.

"About halfway to Denver," Jack said. He held up his hands when he turned to look at her. "All Fraiser's idea."

Sam frowned. "What was?"

Janet hesitated. "I drugged you."

"You what?"

"Honey," Janet said, in that voice that brooked no argument, "it was the only way to get you out of the base. We tried begging, we tried incentives, but you always called it off at the last minute. Jack and I have been looking forward to a weekend away for months. Who is the one who is always canceling?"

Sam frowned and looked out the window. Then she looked down at herself to see she was wearing jeans and a blouse. "Which one of you undressed me?"

"I did," Jack said. "Fraiser dressed you."

Sam gasped, "I could claim rape! How dare you..."

Janet snapped, "Says the woman who, on our last vacation, stole every bra and every pair of panties in my suitcase."

Sam opened her mouth to protest, closed it, looked at Jack for help, and then finally shrugged. "Well, you insisted on wearing them. I was just saving us all some time."

"Same here," Janet said. She met Sam's eyes in the rear view again. "Which reminds me. Your legs aren't shaved. You were going to bail on us again, weren't you?"

There was silence in the car for a moment, and then Sam said, "It's scary, all right? My best friend and my commanding officer."

"I know," Janet said. "It scares me, too. And Jack, I know, is terrified. Not that he'd admit it." He sniffed in the passenger seat as if to punctuate her point. "We love you, Sam. We want to be with you."

Sam slid forward and wrapped her arm around Janet's seat from behind. She kissed Janet's neck and said, "Thank you for abducting me. And thank you for not literally tying me up."

Jack turned and smiled in the darkness. "We're saving that for the cabin."

Typical, Sam -

(takes place during Off the Grid)
She had extensive training in hand-to-hand combat and could take down an attacker twice her size with little trouble. She received countless commendations and medals and she was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel as early as humanly possible. She had graduated at the top of her class with the highest marks possible in every subject. She had won so many awards at the Academy that a new one - the Samantha Carter Award of Excellence - was created solely to honor anyone who matched her accomplishments. It had only been earned one time since then.

She had saved the Earth countless times. She was a brilliant astrophysicist who could breeze through exams that other people - other smart people, would be completely flummoxed on.

She was a soldier. She was the leader of SG-1.

She was standing in the locker room wearing a leather corset that bagged down in front and threatened to dump her breasts. She twisted, pushed her breasts up and together, shrugged her shoulders and tried to get the arms of the 'blouse' up higher. She shook her head, stuck her lower jaw out and blew the hair off her forehead. "Witness," she muttered, "Colonel Samantha Carter of the United States Air Force, trying to keep her goddamn tits covered."

The worst part was that it was for a mission. A covert mission to find the source of the kasa popping up all over the galaxy. Why it involved such a low-cut outfit was beyond even her understanding.

She got the leather in place, twisted at the hip to make sure it stayed in place and ran her hands over her stomach. She turned and walked out of the locker room. She smiled at Sergeant Siler... and the laces at the back of her tunic popped open. The leather blouse fell forward and bared her breasts to everyone in the hallway.

Sam closed her eyes and crossed her arms over her breasts. "Typical," she sighed as she backed into the locker room.

It was going to be a long damn mission.

Just a Pinch, Sam/Hathor -

Sam wanted to move, but she was held back by the leather straps looped around her elbows. She glared at the self-proclaimed goddess as she turned away from the table and smiled. Hathor was dressed in gold and white, her hair chopped in a razor sharp line across her forehead. She didn't walk so much as glide as she moved in front of Sam's chair. Her breasts swayed under the thin white shift of her top. She used two fingers to pull up her dress and straddled Sam's thighs. She sat gently, feather-light on Sam's lap, and straightened her spine.

Hathor held a shell-shaped dish in her left hand, and pushed two fingers of her right hand through the cinnamon-colored powder. She held the smudged hand up and held it in front of Sam's face. She turned her hand around and rubbed the compound onto her own mouth like lipstick. "Now, my pet," she said, her voice hollow and echoing in the dark space as all Goa'uld voices did. "You will finally surrender to my charms."

Sam pulled her head back as far as she could, but it wasn't far enough. Hathor's lips claimed hers. She refused to close her eyes, but she couldn't deny how sweet the kiss was. Soft, succulent, Hathor's tongue sweeping across her lips like an impatient suitor. Hathor rocked gently against her and Sam found herself tugging at her restraints again, this time to pull the goddess closer.

She parted her lips and accepted Hathor's tongue. They both moaned and Sam finally closed her eyes. The Jaffa that had been guarding Sam stepped behind the chair and released the bonds. Sam moved her hands to the small of Hathor's back and pulled her close, eager to feel the Goddess' body against her own.

Hathor broke the kiss, leaving Sam gasping. When her eyes opened, they were glazed. Where they had been blue, they were now a brilliant purple. Hathor smiled and stroked her pet's face, leaving behind a smear of the powdered nish'ta on the supplicant's face. "You see, my child?" she said, turning to look at the captive Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson. "All it requires... is the smallest pinch."

She lifted herself from Sam's lap and held out a hand. Sam took the hand and lifted herself from the chair. "Goddess," she breathed.

"Yes, my pet?"

Sam leaned in and kissed the curve of her Goddess's jaw. She nipped at Hathor's earlobe and whispered, "When we went after Seth, I was infected with nish'ta." Hathor's body jerked as the knife from Sam's belt sliced across the back of her neck. Blood-red hair fell to the floor, severed as neatly as the Goa'uld under the skin. "I'm immune to that strain, bitch."

Hathor blinked dark, kohled eyes as Sam let her fall to the floor. Sam turned and flung the knife at the nearest Jaffa guard, and he went down as well. She ran to the cages and unlocked the doors to free her teammates. "Nice fake-out, Carter," O'Neill said as he took up his weapons again.

Sam nodded and turned away before he could see the tears in her eyes. The truth was, powdered nish'ta and the gaseous variety were different enough to fog her brain. She took her P-90 from the Colonel and looked down at Hathor's bloody corpse. She knew the death was a good thing, but a quiet voice at the back of her mind begged, I'm sorry, my Goddess. You should have used more. It's not my fault, I was too strong. Please, forgive me.

"Carter!" O'Neill called from the doorway. "We gotta go!"

"Yes, sir," she said. There was nothing to keep her here anymore.

Grand Gesture, Sam/Janet -

"You want to get her back?"

"More than anything," Sam said, wiping her eyes. They hadn't stopped watering since she'd read the message waiting when she got back to Earth. Sam, We Need to Talk. Tonight, not at the base. Janet. She crumpled another Kleenex and pressed it under her nose. She wouldn't start sobbing again.

Daniel put a hand on her shoulder and said, "Then do the grand gesture. You know, show her what she means to you. Show her you don't care what anyone else thinks as long as you two are together."

Sam sniffled and nodded. A grand gesture.


Janet was almost done with the dishes when she heard a car horn outside. She frowned, peered through the window over the sink, and then went to the back door. She stepped out onto the porch and frowned at Sam's car. The driver's side door was open, and Sam was kneeling on the dirt in her jeans. Janet barely glanced at Sam, her attention focused on the display of red and white roses on the car.

The vases followed the curve of the roof, down onto the trunk and stood in the driver's seat while "Roses Are Red (My Love)" - her absolute favorite song - blasted from Sam's speakers. "Red roses for love," Sam said. "White, because they're your favorite. Bobby Vinton, because you love him."

"What is all this, Sam," Janet asked, dazed. She took Sam's hands and lifted her out of the grass. She pecked Sam's cheek and looked at the display again.

"I want you to know how much you mean to me." She pointed at the car. "You completely cover my entire life, Janet. Your likes and dislikes, everything you are. It wraps around me and smothers me, but it's what I need. It's what I want. Let's work it out, please."

Janet nodded, a furrow between her eyebrows, and said, "Okay. Okay, Sam, sure..."

Sam grabbed Janet and held her. "Thank God."

"What brought this on, Sam?" Janet asked, her eyes burning with tears now.

"Your note," Sam said.

Janet stepped back and said, "What about my note?"

"You were going to break up with me. I don't know what I did, or what I didn't do, but Janet, I need you. I..."

Janet held up a hand, stopping Sam in her tracks. "That note was about Cassandra."

Sam blinked. "What?"

"She's been talking about going to UCLA to major in biochemistry before she signs up to the Air Force Academy. I wanted to talk to you about it before we committed to anything. It was a... parent-to-parent kind of conversation, so I didn't want you to bring it up at the base."

Sam stared at her for a second. "You said 'we need to talk.' All the words started with caps."

"We did need to talk," Janet said. "And the caps let you know it was important."

Sam sagged and wrapped her arms around Janet. "Jesus Christ, Janet. Haven't you ever been dumped before?"

"No," Janet said completely innocently.

Sam laughed and cupped the back of Janet's head. "Oh, God, I hate you."

"O-ho, Sam," Janet chuckled into Sam's jacket. "How on Earth does 'we need to talk' mean I want to break up with you?"

"It doesn't matter." She sniffled and held Janet tighter. "Let's just go inside and talk about Cassandra." She broke the hug, kissed Janet's lips and slid her arm around Janet's elbow. She walked to the car, turned off the radio and began gathering Janet's flowers. "After we're done with that, we can go over some other things you probably shouldn't say."

"Like?" Janet said. She took one bouquet and closed her eyes to inhale the scent.

"It's not me, it's you. You're not 'the one.' We should take a break..."

"Oh, I know that one!"

Sam smiled and drew Janet to her for another kiss. "You're really not mad at me?" she whispered.

Janet cupped the back of Sam's head. "Carter, I wouldn't break up with you if you were the last woman on Earth."

Sam laughed and said, "Come on. Let's get these roses out of my car before they start dropping petals."

"Well, it wouldn't be the worst thing if they did," Janet said. She slid out of the car and plucked one petal off a rose. She dropped it at her feet, backed up and repeated the move. By the time she was inside, there was a trail of petals leading into the kitchen.

Sam took her armful of vases, shut the car door, and wiped her eyes one last time before she followed Janet into the house.

samjanet, stargate, samjack, jackjanet, fic, ot3

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