Title: Lose Yourself
Fandom: NCIS
Characters: Abigail Sciuto, Caitlin Todd
Prompt: 073 Light
Word Count: 100
Rating: R
Summary: "Lose control, let go, fall... I'll catch you."
Author's Notes: I Hate Eminem. But when a title works so well... meh. And this is really pushing the boundaries of the prompts... but I chose "Light" because my last stories have been 12,480 words, 7,269 words, 4,760 words and 3,430 words. And this is a light, little, tiny 100-word drabble. *beams* It wooooorks. The prompt woooorks. I promise you.
Little Damn TableCaitlin...
When you kiss me... when you slide your hand from my shoulder to my elbow... when you nestle your hand in the small of my back...
Lose yourself.
When my cheek is against yours, when we're standing in the alcove outside your apartment door, when I'm ready to beg you to let me stay...
Lose yourself.
When we're half-naked, when we're on your couch, when I'm touching you there and when your lips close around my tattoos...
Lose yourself.
Throw yourself overboard, let everything loose, close your eyes and fall, trust in me to catch you and...