
Feb 08, 2008 20:46


1. usage or practice common to many or to a particular place or class or habitual with an individual
2. business patronage

I am a creature of habit, and I've started to do something rather nice lately. It's especially pleasant with the extremely cold weather that's set up in Alaska lately. I'm getting sick of -10 degree Fahrenheit weather.

In the evenings, after I come home to from work or the gym, I make myself a pot of tea.

There's a tea shop in South Anchorage that has a nice selection of different teas, and I've been buying ounce bags of different teas from different parts of the world. I brew the tea, and then sit down, take stock of my day, and then plan the evening--whether it's something thrilling or just an evening at home with a decent book.

gym, daily life

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