I must admit that this meme was the first interesting one that has come down the pike recently, and I had to join in.
You are assigned a letter by another Live Journal user, and you are required to come up with ten words that start with that letter, then explain the reason why you chose them.
sionainn assigned me the letter "Y"
If you want to do the meme, just respond, and I will gladly assing you a letter.
Yankee candles--the perfect gift for middle aged aunts
yarn--a substance, when given to Caddock, the tailless wonder, can cause injury
yam--a traditional dish served at my family's Thanksgiving meals
yen--Riht now, I have a yen for a nice cool glass of iced tea.
yellow--the only color that I cannot wear well
yesterday--was payday at my company. Things ran smoothly for me, and I must say that I was happy about that.
Yonkers--A city in Westchester County New york that I have recently become well acquainted with, having spent my last vacation visting my friend in an Orthodox seminary there.
yoghurt--A wonderful breakfast treat that causes my nose to completely clog up.
Youth, Alaska Theatre of--I have been spending most of my evenings lately supervising children at an ATY production of "Comedy of Errors". I have been reduced to repeating the phrase "No eating in your costume" over and over again.
Yukon--The coolest bridge I have ever crossed was a bridge across the Yukon River north of Fairbanks. Its about a quarter mile long, wodden, and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline runs beneath it.