geoMp3 of the Week: The Turners Return to Nutbush City Limits

May 11, 2009 22:35

I wish this wouldn't happen, but it's pretty common -- one of the least interesting or even just melodic songs on an album is the one that happens to be about a place and therefore a candidate for this geoMp3 of the week feature. It happened just last week with Bob Dylan's "If You Ever go to Houston" and I think I can recall it happening a number of other times as well. This week it happens with Ike & Tina Turner's "Nutbush City Limits," which is a pretty standard rocker from an album that has a lot more to offer (like girl-group soul, kick-ass Tina Turner soul, and even an [okay, admittedly forgettable] rendition of Stagger Lee).

On "Nutbush City Limits," the Turners drive a nondescript guitar riff all the way to the unfortunately-named Nutbush, TN, a place where...

You go to the fields on weekdays

And have a picnic on Labor Day

You go to town on Saturday

And go to church every Sunday

"They call it Nutbush," and not only does it sound like a horribly boring and unbearably rural locale -- any place that even knows what "salt pork and molasses" is will probably be on the list of places to avoid, right? -- it's also Tina Turner's hometown. And that makes this song much more interesting. Stanza after stanza describes a simple rural highway town, but the last one...

A little old town in Tennessee

A quiet little community

A one-horse town

You have to watch what you're putting down

In old Nutbush, oh Nutbush

...suggests there was shit of which to beware in ole' Nutbush. I don't really know enough about Tina Turner to know for sure what needed to be watched when put down (I only know one thing -- the lady who warbled out "What's Love Got to Do With It" had a lot more in her than that stupid ballad might suggest), but I think I can guess.

(By the way, you should pick up a copy of this record if you can. "Come Together" and "Stagger Lee" might be by rote, but there's otherwise great stuff here.)

The Details

Nutbush City Limits

Nutbush City Limits


[~giggle~] Nutbush, TN

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