We're almost two months out from DragonCon and four from Halloween and I'm thinking about costume ideas.
Long ago I wrote down a list of all the ideas I thought would be great and have only added to since. In some particular order:
Malcolm Reynolds
Joel from MST3K
PSY - instead the Yellow Suit Dance Off Guy
George from Grey's Anatomy
A Totoro
Torgo from Manos
The Master from Manos
A Quarian from Mass Effect
Noh Face from Spirited Away
Jonathan E from Rollerball see
here. Holy hell
Klytus from Flash Gordon
Ryoga from Ranma 1/2
Jin from Samurai Champloo
Jack Burton from Big Trouble
A Black Brother from Game of Thrones
Buy More Employee from Chuck
Parappa The Rapper
Any thoughts? It may be time I'm Torgo...