Psalm 8 - Food for thought

Jan 05, 2004 14:52

This is an extract from an e-mail sent by a church friend. The material is taken from Peter Jeffry:

In Psalm 8 we find David enjoying God. His thoughts are taken up with the majesty, power and goodness of God and his delight in verses 1 and 9 are obvious: 'O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!'

Very often our Christian lives can be mundane and drab because we fail to see the greatness of God. This drabness carries over into our prayer meetings where we are very good at telling God how useless and powerless we are, but do not seem able to praise and adore the Lord.

Christianity was never meant to make our lives miserable. We are meant to rejoice in the Lord; but we cannot enjoy God from a distance. In Psalm 16:11 David says, 'You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.'

Nearness to God comes as we appreciate the wonder of what the Lord has done for us.

He has put us in a world that is under his control (v. 3). He made the world; it is the work of his fingers. A sunset is not the result of a random set of circumstances but part of a creation God has given us to enjoy. But even this is nothing compared with God's dealings with man.

Verses 4-6 are quoted in Hebrews 2, where we are told they find their complete fufilment in Jesus, He became a man, shared in our humanity, destroyed death and saved his people from the power of sin.

Even creation pales in comparison to the redeeming work of God. What a great God we have! Praise him, believer, and enjoy him.

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
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