Sep 20, 2009 20:35 make me realize how friggen BORING the internet is.
I mean, REALLY!! I sit here, all day, due to the inability to leave and see people cuz of my rather nasty head cold, and I do friggen NOTHING!! Do a few little things over at the Hetalia dressing room, but nothing consistent.
So, I'm bored...and boredom isn't exactly good for writing...
So, I think I wanna do a RP with somebody. ANYBODY. I haven't done a lot of one on one or small group stuff in a while (not since the insanity that was capslock_atlarp), but I really want to.
:D Anybody wanna do a Hetalia RP? Just for the fun of it/to keep me from ripping my hair out?
I can probably do America, Canada, England, Lithuania....well, basically anybody not Asian or Poland. :D And I like seeing Russia beat up Lithuania or be sweet to Canada. And maybe zombies there too, to keep my writing side from going dry. But again, I don't care, ANYTHING is good.
Its not a serious long term thing, it's just to keep me from going ABSOLUTELY NUTS.
PLEASE? I can't take much more of this....
health issues,
a mini ramble,
the internet is full of nothing,
role playing