So much to little time...

May 03, 2006 11:22

Random thoughts...

GO SENS GO! So happy they made it past the first round...take it all the way :)
Miss being in Ottawa for the's just not the same, and all the games are on here @ 4pm, so the best I can do is listen to them online while I'm writing here at :(

It would be amazing to see an all Canadian Stanley GO EDMONTON & CALGARY too!

Beach volleyball rocks! Just started playing a couple weeks ago & it's much fun diving & flying through the air to save a ball...won ALL our games this week :) It's awesome being down at the beach in the evening & watching the sunset (we play 6:30-8:30pm)'ll be even better when it warms up a bit more though...froze my butt off last night!

Starting to stress about finishing in 2 months...too much to do still because of broken equipment (which is now fixed...just have to run some tests!). Trying to be as productive as possible, but technically I'm also finishing up 2 courses & now looking for a job.

My NSERC is over & I'm back to being paid virtually nothing while being asked for $1500 of summer tuition. I'll get some of it back when I finish, but still...I don't have $1500...argh.

Daniel's off to field school to TA on Fri...then to a conference & short course in Calgary for another couple weeks...maybe I'll be more productive...maybe, can you say GIRL'S NIGHTS?! Apartment all to myself!
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