So many nice surprises lately. First
Here There got nominated at IYFG (I'm curious who did this. I removed myself from that group a long time ago so I can't see who did. Whoever you are, thanks!!) and
this the Love Meme. Bwah you guys are way too kind. I'm so flattered by the comments there and I'm amazed by the comments left by so many great authors and I don't think I hold a candle to them. <3 you guys. Unfortunately the page takes forever to load and makes the computer freeze up. I didn't even get past page 5 of the comments.
I am living temporarily in BFE (AKA: Bum fuck Egypt) with my co-worker before I move into my summer house. I don't have phone service barely at all here, most of my stuff is in the garage, and my computer isn't plugged up. I'm able to use my coworkers computer but I can't download Bleach or write anything. Wah. Summer classes also start Tuesday. Double wah.
In good news though I'm hopefully going to be training to become a part-host part-waitress at my work. I'm not making enough strictly as a host (I'm working 6 days this week and probably only going to average 25 hours for example) and several waitresses are leaving. If they don't schedule me to train I'm going job hunting Monday.
I saw Spiderman 3 on Wednesday.
I know this thing got ripped a new one by the critics. While going through the reviews I only saw one good one about it and it turned out the review was actually for Spiderman the first not the third. Regardless I don't think the film was really as awful as it was made out to be (X-Men 3 for example makes this movie look like Oscar material). Overall the only major complaint I have about it is the fact they tried to fit too much into one movie. Because of this the character development that made Spiderman 2 so strong was severly lacking in this film.
Like Harry. What a waste of a good character. I think his story was cut very short and could have been much better elaborated on. His best friend is supposedly his father's murder, his best friend just scarred half of his face for life and almost killed him, MJ dumped him for Peter, and on top of all that he just found out his father despised him. But despite all the shit he's been put through, he is still man enough to come help Peter when he really needs it. Sure he needed a little help from his faithful butler sidekick but he still had the balls to get over the fact Peter nearly took his life. Fuck Spiderman, Harry is a much better friend in my book. I think Harry gets extremely overlooked for all that he's been through.
And MJ. I actually liked her in this film. I wanted to stab her bright sparkly eyeballs out in the first two films but in this one I could actually understand where she was coming from. It's hard when everything in your life is going to shit and the one person who you really want to be sympathetic (aka: Peter) is too busy going gaga over everything going right for him. Almost every scene where the two fought, my date would say, "Wrong thing to say" whenever Peter opened his mouth. MJ may have been a little whiny at the start but as the film progressed I could see why she was like that. The kiss between Harry and her could have been cut out but MJ isn't exactly known for not being a little loose. She jumps from guy to guy like its her job.
In retrospect, I think the film should have left Venom for the next one. Venom was such a great villian and to only have him in the last 20 minutes was a disappointment. The film would have been better to me if they had developed Sandman and Harry more and the backstory for Venom and leave it with him just emerging onto the scene. I would have liked Sandman a bit more if they developed him better than the "I shot your uncle because I was trying to save my little girl and I did a really retarded thing and I'm sorry" thing.
I hate the dating scene and yet I somehow keep getting sucked into it.