Blarg. Stupid colds. I was supposed to party party too due to no school tomorrow but now I think I'll stay the night in and chill out on some WoW. Tomorrow I have to get up early to bring my car in and I have a date later in the evening. Better to save energy for that!
I'm on a mission to gain weight. So today I went out and bought vitamins, some weird whey protein powdered drink mix, nutrition bars, and candy!!! This better work. $30 is not cheap. But I did get paid today so its okay! Also if anyone has any suggestions about weight gain I'm all ears. I've weighed 86 since as far back as I can remember. I'd like to gain at least ten pounds.
Whyyyyy did Jet have to die?! That was so lame. I can't believe they killed him. Although in retrospect I suppose its not that surprising. Jet was more of a gray character then "good" character, but I do feel as though they cut his potential as a character short. I was really hoping the interaction between Zuko and him would go somewhere. Instead all it was was one confrontation and Jet got brainwashed and died pretty much. One thing though that I do love about the episode is having Jet remember everything when Aang mentioned the Freedom Fighters instead of the time when his parents died. That to me proved just how much he cared for his gang and gave him a shove more towards a "good" guy. I wonder what the last two Freedom Fighters will do now that he's gone.
Also, Zuko. Please let this go somewhere. I don't want him to be stuck in Ba Sing Se and become a tea shop owner or something lame like that.
Takahashi seems to have a fetish for killing her female characters whose name begins with a K. First Kagura, then Kikyou, now Kanna. Makes me wonder if she plans to knock off Kagome or Kaede for that matter. The only safe one is Sango.