Never Date a Virgo
Demanding, picky, and a total perfectionist - there's no way you want to live up to Virgo's standards.
It's not that you couldn't please a Virgo... you would just hate yourself for doing it.
Instead try dating: Libra, Leo, Aquarius, or Aries
What Sign Shouldn't You Date? Apparently I shouldn't date myself...That's cool I guess.
I am the worst college student ever. Got a grade bad enough in my cartography class that I'm considering dropping it. I'm not really surprised though. From the get-go I had a bad feeling about it. And the teacher is is one of the worst I've ever had. As in he talks like Mr. Mackey and the Chinese guy from South Park and my friends have his number on speed dial just so they can laugh at his voice mail. Nice guy...shouldn't be teaching though. Especially a subject as hard as is.
Our conversation went something like this:
Me: So because I got such a shitty bad grade is there any way possible I can get a B in the course? Or even a C?
Teacher: Why you worry now? There still three other tests and lab. I figure out grade at end of semester. Come see me then, okay?
Me: I can't wait till the end of the semester. I need to know now so I don't lose my scholarship.
Teacher: I tell you at end of semester.
Me: That doesn't help me. I need to know before the withdraw date passes.
Teacher: I tell you at end of semester! You want shitty beef or shitty shrimp?
I have an appointment tomorrow with my adviser so I'll talk to him then about what I should do. Maybe he can suggest a study lab or something to improve my grades.
I hate you housing too. And financial aide for that matter. Why you gotta be like that?
In less stressful news
Tales of Ba Sing Se or whatever. What is all this I'm hearing about the Momo/Appa thing being overdone? I think this is ridiculous. Momo is not in love with Appa. No matter how much the idea of a gay interspecies relationship tickles my pickle. I thought that part of the episode was cute (The Zuko one I considered rather OOC but I don't even want to touch that livewire). Now Momo having Appa's fur and cuddling with it was a bit overboard but I saw that mostly as a plot device for the cats to lead Momo to Appa's footprint then anything else.
Seriously though. Appa and Momo are the only two Air-kind animals left in the entire world as far as we know. Their companions consist of four humans that can't understand them. The only 'person' they have to 'talk' to is each other so of course their bond is going to be strong. It's like throwing two French people and two English people together. The two French people will be closer to each other then the English just because they can communicate and vice versa with the English.