(no subject)

May 27, 2011 12:20

Life is crazy, crazy, crazy.

- The trip was long, hard, and took way longer than I thought it would. I won't spend much time on it but I ran into car issues, weather issues, and pet issues. We got here with only a day before I had to start working.

- I have two jobs. I'm a cook/host at a restaurant and an office girl at a river rafting company. I dislike the restaurant job. The management gave me so much shit the first few weeks I was there and it's been difficult for me to learn everything. I am working like a dog for not even 8 dollars an hour. Way too much work for too little pay. The river rafting company doesn't have its shit together so I have only had one day of training this past Sunday. I finally go in tomorrow to see how I do and train some more. Am way more excited for this job. Good bye, free time.

- I uhhhh have a boyfriend. Oops? Originally I just wanted to have some fun and not get into another relationship right after getting out of one but after I got kicked out of the place I was staying, I kind of needed a place to go and our casual relationship got a violent shove into serious. Altogether though I am happy how things turned out. He's been a huge help to me and after spending so much time with him I liked him more and more. I am kind of sad about moving out despite knowing it is the best thing for us.

- I am getting an apartment in June. The ranch house was a giant bust and has caused some huge friction between my father and I. His friends have treated me like crap since I got here (except for one of them who seems to have been distancing herself from me since all this went down) which I honestly am not surprised by. My dad has never hung out with the best crowd and he actually admitted I was right about that after the fuckfest that has occurred these past few weeks. I'd rather be on my own then deal with these people anymore. Anyway I'm getting a two bedroom that I was originally supposed to be sharing with another guy from work but now he's having financial problems back at home so now I may be roommate less. I'm still going through with the apartment regardless. My dad has offered to help me and I can deal with the first month by myself while I find someone else. The apartment manager has been super nice and is really willing to work with me after I explained to him everything that has been happening and that I've only been paid once since I got here.

- I've gotten sick twice since I've been here. The first time I was puking and all kinds of nasty stuff. Then I got my boyfriend's cold. And I got my period. Hi, body. Please cooperate. It'd be nice to actually feel WELL when I'm working my ass off.

- The views here are fantastic. The weather has been more moody than a woman going menopause. It snowed last week and now its 70 degrees.

Game stuff!

- My raid in World of Warcraft fell apart but before I left for Colorado I got myself set up with a new one who was in desperate need of a decent third healer. I miss the people from my old raid, all of which have pretty much disappeared, but I'm very happy with the progress in this new raid. We've managed to clear all the content on normal and got our first heroic kill on Wednesday.

Manga stuff!

- Kuroshitsuji is rocking my socks. Elizabeth. Freaking Elizabeth! I hated her the first chapter she showed up but she's been steadily growing on me with every appearance. I adore her.

- Bleach sucks. No closure with the Hueco Muendo arc and this arc is pretty boring and makes no sense. So Orihime got a new power. So what? Chad and Ishida did last arc and they defeated one boss before becoming absolutely useless again. The same will happen with Orihime.

life sucks, kuroshitsuji, job, dating, roommates, manga, relationship, real life doesn't suck?, work, world of warcraft, bleach

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