Woah it's been a long time. Life has been...nuts. Like got a job went over the damn place then got laid off said job because they couldn't afford the hotel stays or the per diem. And it was a government job. THIS IS YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK PEOPLE. But I digress. I made $900 for four days of training and then to sit on my ass and play WoW or go tan on the beach. And I have more coming in. Not bad for doing jack shit. Except I'm out of a stable income again. Things could always be worse right?
World of Warcraft! People have gotten bored. Really bored. With the end of the expansion and no set date for the release of Cataclysm people seem to be losing their heads. Lich King has already been killed on heroic mode on one of the servers and I'm sure there will be more following it. There have already been PuG's clearing up to Putricide due to the buff being up to 10% (I'm kind of scared to imagine what it'll be like when it hits 30%). But anyway.
This is like what happened that time I sat outside the Trial of the Champion instance and all those other people on drakes lined up behind me. Only it's mammoths. Lots and lots of mammoths in Dalaran running around the central area of the fountain. I think they actually managed to make a complete circle around it. I caught the tail end of it with the pictures.
Also Blizzard is now selling a Celestial Steed. For $25. I'm buying one. Except the que was over 8000 people so it's taking an hour to get to the check out. And I can't bring up the store site on another window cause it seems to have too much traffic. I will be pissed if it goes down after waiting an hour to buy this damn thing.
What else? Trolling at it's best:
Sex note.
Yea. Apparently it's a cross between Death Note and Narnia...? I don't know. A few of her other story summaries are pretty off the rocker too: house fall in love with patient BUT PATIEN NOT RETURN BACK what he do NOW!1 what when house get drunk and reveil his true identity AAAAAAA NOOOO IT MAPS plz R/r and Isabel get hump in eye by werfwolv what edward do he follow the mexican children for the secret to the mysteyr
What else? I'm reading and watching Durarara!!! (how the hell do you pronounce this?) The manga and anime are totally different so I'm wondering which one is more true to the original light novels. I like them both regardless. You should watch it. I mean it's got a Headless Horseman who rides around on a black bike. AND IT'S A CHICK. Oops spoiler? Not really, its pretty obvious in the anime when it shows up in the first episode.
Seacrest out.