The Multidimensional Scale of Sexuality
According to my answers, it is likely that I identify as
Heterosexual with some homosexuality.
Complete set of results
Heterosexual with some homosexuality: 3Heterosexual: 1Homosexual: 1Past heterosexual, currently homosexual: 1Sequential bisexual: 1Asexual: 0Concurrent bisexual: 0Homosexual with some heterosexuality: 0Past homosexual, currently heterosexual: 0
The Multidimensional Scale of Sexuality was devised by Larry Kurdek, B. Berkey and T. Perelman-Hall. It is an extension of the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid, recognising that sexual identities can change over time, people can identify with more than one sexual identity, and that asexuality is a valid sexual identity. The Multidimensional Scale of Sexuality was published in the "Journal of Homosexuality" in 1990.
Take the quiz >.>
I wouldn't say I'm homosexual NOW and was heterosexual in the past, but I guess it's probably just bad wording.
Ummm if you play World of Warcraft the Lich King boss was finally released. There was also a cinemtac that was released that occurs when he is killed by players.
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I'm really curious if this is the same for the Horde as it is for the Alliance. I guess it has to be Tirion Fordring even IN Icecrown Citadel with the Horde? I know the Saurfang fight gets switched around depending on the faction but...#$^%$^%*(%^#$%#%
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The funny thing is this girl won second place in the spanish version of American Idol haha. God.
Bleach - Could be cooler. Where the hell is Urahara? Where the hell is Ishida DILF? What the heck is going on with Orihime? Also Kubo must have been dumped recently. He has really gotten into the habit of having all the female characters get beat down in some form of another. (Except maybe Soi Fong, sans one arm of course, but at least she is still DOING something)
Kuroshitsuji - Could be cooler. I'm not sure how much I like this arc in comparison to the last one. But every arc seems to start out rather weak and then EXPLODE INTO GREATNESS by the middle of it. I love how the author slowly reveals things piece by little piece.